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By dimtimjim

Dunno if anyone saw this, I just watched it over lunch.

Few examples of people playing games for 20 hours a day, the lucky gets!!!

I'm sorry, but if my kid started smashing my house up when I took his games system off him, he'd get a beating...! That'll learn him.
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Fifa 11 allegedly has a feature whereby you can rig the voting process for future world cups, again, allegedly.
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By nade
Never managed to catch it on telly but would be interested to see what it says.

I did hear something that they might have covered something to do with a technique used to get players hooked.

Personally I have been "gaming" for a while now, and certainly used to play stuff like counter strike for several hours a night. However the last few years i've more thought along the lines of bugger it and I can't be arsed anymore.

Maybe age is a factor in it.
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By dimtimjim
nade wrote:Never managed to catch it on telly but would be interested to see what it says.

I did hear something that they might have covered something to do with a technique used to get players hooked.

Personally I have been "gaming" for a while now, and certainly used to play stuff like counter strike for several hours a night. However the last few years i've more thought along the lines of bugger it and I can't be arsed anymore.

Maybe age is a factor in it.

Yeah, the programme would lend itself to the male aged between 10-20 as the main area for addiction. I love my gaming but have never been addicted, to the point i would prioritise it over every other aspect of my life. The bloke making it made a good point to one bloke; "why don't you get out there, make friends, meet girls"...!! Which is a ruddy good idea. Sad git!
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By novalinnhe
My little brother is addicted to games. He skips school to gain a few levels on World of Warcraft. But - like richbrown said - it really is more the discipline than the actual game itself. Mum's even moved the computer into his bedroom for him... :/
By R94N
novalinnhe wrote:My little brother is addicted to games. He skips school to gain a few levels on World of Warcraft. But - like richbrown said - it really is more the discipline than the actual game itself. Mum's even moved the computer into his bedroom for him... :/

Yeah, WoW is supposed to be really addictive. I've heard of loads of WoW fans who just can't stop. I'm not addicted to games, it's just that I can't think of anything else to do other than use the computer ;)
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