Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By poke of xmas past
the night before xmas i was sat at home staring at the skirting boards whilst trying to get into the festive season. I could hear people laughing and playing so i looked out of my window only to see boboff, footloose and other twat like board members enjoying themselves. I gritted my teeth and waved my fist furiouslty at them and went back inside. Later that day, after masterbating furiously to dwarf porn,I I'd just sat down to fluffy cute animlas on toast when I could hear more noise coming from outside. Again, I went to my window and hurled yet more abuse and spat wildly at them. They laughed and called me names and told me that i was only mildly irritating and that i'd soon go away. This angered me so i went back inside to massage my testicles and devise a cunning plan.

The next day after a night of bollock juggling I looked out of my window to a horrendous sight of yudster and s4B having a snowball fight in their stockings and suspenders. I opened my door, smiled, flashed 20inch dildos and buckets of cream cakes at them then invited them in. They sprinted towards my house like a stampead of buffalo. They came in and I put them into my oven, and then I ate them both.

Merry xmas
Last edited by poke of xmas past on Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Boboff
Happy Christmas.

Nice story.

Last night's Come Dine with me.

" I don't eat cute animals like Dear, Rabbits, and kittens"


Now just * off back under your stone, no friends.
By poke of xmas past
eh? oh yes, i watch that and revert back to it for reference while writing crap on shite message boards that only super-hyper-cock-eating-bell-ends bother replying to. I have no friends because I've eaten them all. And that's the way I like it you son of baggy-fannied, trollop of a woman. Hope you choke on a wish bone.

Merry xmas bob!
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By dimtimjim
tis a beautiful story, brought a tear to my eye.....

Although I have to agree with Bob, if you are merely back to act a twat again, like some lonely friendless juvenile, maybe your frequent references to masterbation would be a better use of your time....
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By dimtimjim
poke of xmas past wrote: I have no friends

This much is evident to all.
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By Boboff
poke of xmas past wrote: only super-hyper-cock-eating-bell-ends bother replying to.


As for Baggied Fanny, new and exciting insult.
By poke of xmas past
double team? you cunning bastards. dimtim, thankyou for your concern, but for whatever reason I am back it is of no concern to you. no doubt that your busy social life has taken a plumet to keep up with your frequent posts. what happened to you? you used to be a small time ass licker, now look at you! you got all *. things change when you get comfortable I suppose. Then the 'true colours come out' you big fake. And bob, the old 'you have no friends' jibe doesn't work when you only 'hang out'' with people on a message board. You pair of popular kunts!
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By Yudster
I haven't worn suspenders and stockings since I was happy to be seen in suspenders and stockings. I'm nostalgic now.
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By Yudster
Well you never know, he might be bulimic and need some help regurgitating all those mince pies.
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By dimtimjim
poke of xmas past wrote: no doubt that your busy social life has taken a plumet to keep up with your frequent posts.

No, my social life is fine thanks, so much so I never get time to come on 'ere out of office hours. I only post while being paid to do so. But I also don't come on here to band around mindless insults which would only be of any entertainment to myself. I smiled when I saw the 'poke of xmas past' usertag, as on the odd ocassion you said summat funny, but your jus' acting an anchor. For what? Its sad and potentially something you should seek help about.
By poke of xmas past
I think i'll have you as my new bitch tim.

'my social life is fine thanks' like anyone gives a flying *. and 'i'm so busy, blah blah blah, i only post cus i'm at work' like you feel the need to tell us all incase we might think you're exactly what you're accusing me of being.' The sooner you and your ilk realise this isn't the 'real world' and that the laws of physics don't apply here, the better. Anyway, get back to your frantic and overly busy work and social life. You have no time to be bigging youself up to some 50-year-old fat man from wycomb that still lives with his mother.

prickly? over sensitive? come on people, stop being so anal. it's pathetic.
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By Yudster
I'm prickly and over sensitive because I haven't shaved my legs this week and I have exczema. I don't know what everyone else's problem is.
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By DevilsDuck
Oi! Leave Poke alone.....he is my friend and I will protect him from your barrage of abuse.

*hugs Beadle*
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By dimtimjim
Look nob-end, you gave enough of a * to enquire, I was correcting your missasumption. Funnily enough I do not socialise during office hours, I have my own friends, so passing judgement on my social life is, frankly, pointless.

I'm fine with being your bitch, as long as you don't mind being bitch-slapped repeatedly to highlight your pathetic ways. Grow the * up.
By poke of xmas past
dimtimjim wrote:Look nob-end, you gave enough of a * to enquire, I was correcting your missasumption. Funnily enough I do not socialise during office hours, I have my own friends, so passing judgement on my social life is, frankly, pointless.

I'm fine with being your bitch, as long as you don't mind being bitch-slapped repeatedly to highlight your pathetic ways. Grow the * up.

If it's so pointless then why pass judgement on mine? clown. Oh look, he's threatening me with violence. sniff :(
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By Boboff
Well I was enjoying myself.

It makes me laugh that ol' Poke picks up my juvenile "no friends" comment as a purile insult, when his previous insults are long winded, offensive and derogatory, that the "no life" posts are meant to in some way irk, when ironically what he is accusing of, is what he is guilty of, as well.

Tims attempts to reason are pointless.

Either way, it's all good fun.

Oh and Poke you senceless shit bag whose only point is life is to clean up shit after decent people, why don't you get back to your Vanessa George photo albums, you fat * kiddy fidlin 50 year old virgin.
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote: Tims attempts to reason are pointless.

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By dimtimjim
Just ignore him, he'll soon get bored....
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By Yudster
R94N wrote:Are you a troll or something?

He's a sort of troll I suppose. He pops in every now and then when he's bored and insults people randomly. He's perfectly harmless, a bit like a mild virus, you just have to let it run its course.
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