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By Ilovematt
Topher wrote:It doesn't shut down because of a bit of snow, it shuts down because of a lot of snow - and as has been pointed out before, that's because it's quite rare that we get a lot of snow, so having the infrastructure that very cold countries have in place to deal with it would be a waste of money.

This is a 'bit of snow' compered to what I have lived through.

How can manual work be a waste of money. Shovel are not that expensive !! And with the amount of no hoper's on community service they would soon shift this small amount !
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By Yudster
Here's a calculation for you - how many no -hopers with shovels would it take to clear the M25 in Surrey, or any of the affected major roads in the North of England?

If this continues to happen year after year then yes, we have to perhaps accept that our climate has changed to the extent that we do need to invest in civic snow-clearing equipment and strategies on a much grander scale. But until the necessity or otherwise for that has been established, weather like this, in this country, is freak weather, and the idea that we should somehow remain unaffected by it is ludicrous.
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By Johnny 1989
Ilford had about 1-2cm, not much else, tonight the bits that are left are ice patches & on my side of the road at least it has virrually dried up, however up the road in Harold Hill (Yuds may know just how relatively near they both are to each other) had about 3-4 inches, which hasn't shifted at all.

Topher wrote:I must say we do seem to be very lucky here with the weather even compared to further south - looking at photos of the M25 and seeing that Gatwick is closed, we appear to be in a small pocket that is the least affected.

Yudster wrote:Here's a calculation for you - how many no -hopers with shovels would it take to clear the M25 in Surrey, or any of the affected major roads in the North of England?

If this continues to happen year after year then yes, we have to perhaps accept that our climate has changed to the extent that we do need to invest in civic snow-clearing equipment and strategies on a much grander scale. But until the necessity or otherwise for that has been established, weather like this, in this country, is freak weather, and the idea that we should somehow remain unaffected by it is ludicrous.

Absolutely, you're both right, the money it costs for a industrial snow plow & the use per year is at such a waste that the thing would be rusty & knackered before they'd even get their moneys worth out of it.

Snow like this has only appeared in the last 2-3 years, especially in the South, Scotland & the North East Of England usually do get some sort of snow, although I've never known the North East to have had snow for over a week, prior to the last couple of years.
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By Johnny 1989
charlalottie wrote:I wish I was back home in Kent. It's never usually that part that gets so badly affected, I'd love to be sledging in Knole.

Yeah Kent is unusually badly effected, they closed our West Malling office today as only 5 people got in by about 11am, we open at 8:30am, so they told everyone not to bother.
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By Johnny 1989
charlalottie wrote:Well if Kent gets it, it tends to be the East as the weather front moves away so its a bit odd to be hearing how bad it is in the West. In the meantime, we had a few more flakes but you wouldn't know unless you actually saw it falling.

Yeah I know what you mean, East London (up to & including Ilford) is normally one of the last places to get snow, however when you get between Chadwell Heath & Romford the change in depth of snow always changes quite dramatically (for this area at least)
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By newsbeat
Forecast snow on Tuesday, had about 5 flakes at 8.30AM. Thats it in Plymouth.
By Emmy
I've never seen as much snow in my life as I have over last few days, we even got some thundersnow today. Off work until at least Monday, which it great for lie-ins, but it does get a bit boring when you're stuck at home because you can't really go anywhere.
By R94N
We live on a hill and as a result it can be hard to get up - yesterday there were cars sliding all over the place. And there's no grit left in the box at the top either :(
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By Yudster
charlalottie wrote:It's finally happened! We have good enough snow to have snowball fights and to attempt some crap form of sledging! I'm so excited! It'll probably be gone by tomorrow but yaaaaaaaaay!

R94N wrote:We live on a hill and as a result it can be hard to get up - yesterday there were cars sliding all over the place. And there's no grit left in the box at the top either :(

See, snow is great if all you have to do is play in it. If you actually have a life to lead, with thing you HAVE to do, it sucks.
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By DevilsDuck
Well I am snowed in! they haven't gritted my road and we had 3-4 inches overnight. its annoying as I have some important work to do for Friday morning
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By CassieJackson
After a week of struggling back and forwards, they've finally closed school today. Frankly, I'm relieved. It's all gone beyond a joke now - snow please go!
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, I think i'm gonna be staying up here again tonight instead of risking the journey back. Kinda wish I'd had this knowledge previously so I could have planned accordingly, but hey-ho. Makes more sense that risking having an RTA....

Yeah, as i'm not in the position of having time to play in the snow, it is a massive inconvenience, just want it to bugger off again now!!
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By Johnny 1989
Rather pleasingly they sent us home at 12:30pm today, the bosses in our office were the ones who decided it, although oddly enough I actually would have liked to have stayed longer as I was half way through a few things, perhaps I need my head tested :lol:
By R94N
Yesterday my school was closed but today it was open, although we didn't start until 9:30 and finished at 2:15 rather than 2:40 like we normally do on a Thursday. And now I've realised that this is really boring.
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By dimtimjim
I'm soooo looking foraward to going home..... Free food and drink is all well and good, but its not the same as home.....
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By Yudster
Well, I hope you get there ok.
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By Yudster
If your work is finished for the term, why could you not reasonably go?
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, pretty much all the snow has gone now in midlands, although there is still a fair ammount up North.

I had fun this morning; It was so cold my handbrake had frozen on, and obviously the last remnents of snow had frozen, so I couldn't even pull off the drive!! I just sat there spinning the front wheels as my car dragged its arse along! In the end I got one of the old sofa cusions out of the garage and stuck under the tyre, that worked.... Ho hum.
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By AndyJ
We had quite a lot of snow on Tuesday evening, I managed to get Mrs Andy J to work on Wednesday but I was told to work from home which was nice. Neither of us bothered trying to get to work on Thursday but I had to work from home again, and on Friday I took Mrs Andy J to work and I went back home.




It has all pretty much gone now, apart from some Ice on the Road and mounds of snow people have made. I love the snow and I want more! The only problem it caused us was we couldn't get to the o2 on Tuesday evening because of the traffic.
By Emmy
You can have some of my snow, it's just started again! I got a text this afternoon to say my workplace is remaining closed tomorrow (which will be day five closed), but they have a mechanical digger in the grounds trying to clear away the layers of compacted ice. Now that it's started to snow yet again though, I have a feeling we may stay closed even longer. I'm still loving the lie-ins, but it is getting a bit boring now and the impromptu holiday is costing me a fortune in terms of both online and real life shopping!
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By Yudster
A friend of mine was talking about the problems of Christmas shopping when you can't get around, and saying that she was doing it all online - she has started to worry now as she hadn't twigged that the same issues which prevent her getting to the shops will prevent the shops getting to her........Still, hopefully it won't be too bad.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote: she hadn't twigged that the same issues which prevent her getting to the shops will prevent the shops getting to her

Proper Essex gal!!! :wink:
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By Yudster
No, its not so much of an issue in Essex. She's actually a proper Northumberland gal.
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