Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By John22
So what do we all make of the cold weather and the snow? Have we had much or any at all, and has it affected anyone in a big way?

I seem to remember starting this thread last year, posters don't seem to be a fan of coldness-related banter...
By bmstinton93
We've had next to nothing here. Just a little bit overnight on Friday but tbh I actually do want a bit because I could do with a couple of days off College but I would rather have the snow closer to Christmas as it would be great to have a White Christmas for once but that's not going to happen.
By R94N
We haven't had that much so far...a bit at the weekend but apparently my local area should get a lot either tonight or tomorrow. I just find it funny how the whole country grinds to a halt. Surely the grit supplies should've been sorted out a long time ago...
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By Yudster
I * HATE it. I hate the cold (well I do when its THIS cold) and I hate snow even more. Its very pretty, and fun to play in but I have things to do for * sake, I don't have time to play. If I wanted to play in the snow I'd go on holiday somewhere snowy. I don't have snow boots, and I live in Essex, so I don't really see why I should NEED snow boots. This is the south of England for crying out loud, snow is not natural. If I lived in the rainforest I wouldn't expect it to be dry, would I? But I don't - I live in the south of England and I don't expect temperatures consistently in minus figures throughout the whole day every day, and I don't expect snow. Such things are outside of normal for here, so I have every right to not expect them too.

Its that arsehole Matt Fincham's fault. Wanker.
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By Johnny 1989
* all in Ilford at the mo, so disappointed although I should be used to disappointment living in the shit-hole that is Ilford. Could be worse though, I could be living in Barking, Dagenham, Elephant & Castle or Seven Sisters :lol:
By Jill
We've got snow in Coventry. Not loads, just light snow on houses, trees, pavements etc. The roads are ok apart from the business park estate where I work and the cul de sacs etc where you have to drive pretty slow. I can't remember the last time it snowed in November.
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By dimtimjim
Oh my god, what a drive into work it was today, I have a headache from the concentration required!

When I first joined the motorway all was clear and fine, once I hit Nottinghamshire, the snow started to fall. Now, as the road was still clear I was loving it, as driving into falling snow at speed makes it look like you are constantly trying to 'make the jump to lightspeed' as per Star Wars. But once i'd got to north Notts then snow was settled on the motorway, which made the second half of my journey horrible. The motorway was basically down to two lanes as lane 3 was unused and covered in deep snow. Even if you do pull into it you instantly lose speed form the additional drag and if you try to accelerate there just isn't the traction to gain mph's.

Horrible journey. So pleased i'm here safely.
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By Yudster
Given that the challenge now will be getting home, you might regret the effort.
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By dimtimjim
Nah, as long as I'm here i'm being paid.... I'll stay till friday with little complaint! :D
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By MK Chris
There's a little bit here, not too much though. Left extra time, didn't need it, the roads were clear. However, it is * FREEZING.
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By Nicola_Red
We've got a light covering of snow here, nothing extreme.
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By nade
I'm in central scotland and we've probably got just about a foot of snow. Today the roads aren't too bad, however all the compacted snow is now like a big sheet of ice and have seen plenty of vehicles struggling.

Normally I would get the train through to work in Edinburgh, but over the past few days the trains are either being delayed, cancelled or terminating early. So not even attempted to get to the station.

All the local schools have been closed since yesterday morning.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote:Given that the challenge now will be getting home, you might regret the effort.

Ok Yuddles, this is one of those situations where I have to admit, you were right. 5 hours to get home last night, and 3 to get back to work this morning. I did think I may end up sleepin in the car last night....

Todays journey was ever worse than yesterday, but mainly for spooky reasons. The M1 was like a massive vehicle graveyard. I must have passed (slowly) 200+ abandoned vehicles. There were cars totalled front and rear, lorries smashed into central reservation, cars abandoned sideways across the motorway. It was shocking to behold. I have decided i'm frikkin insane and shouldn't be taking these risks just to collect a days pay. I think i'm gonna negotiate with someone up here to offer me some accomodation for the night.

I have to say, its WAY worse up north than it is further south. Northamptonshire and Leicestershire we're pretty much ok, Nottinghamshire and north it all went sour.
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By Yudster
See, your description of that journey just screams to me that you really shouldn't be on the road in those conditions. There is no way that the majority of those people whose cars got mangled were driving any differently from you, its a situation where the driver potentially has no control over the outcome of any given moment. Its just stupid to even think you should try.
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By MK Chris
Yeah, I think up north is far worse, as you say - we have had no problems whatsoever bar quite a slippy road out of my drive.
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By Yudster
It not brilliant here but nowhere near as bad as Tim is experiencing. The main roads here are ok but you can't really get anywhere without having to negotiate a lane or two and some of those are horrendous.
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By dimtimjim
No, you are right Yuds, I shouldn't have driven in, the further north I got, it became stupid.

Tis the downside of such a long distance between home and work, weather conditions can be wildly different from one end to the other!
By bmstinton93
We've still got virtually nothing here. We had about 1 cm yesterday with no schools cancelled and none overnight so its almost cleared but its snowing a little bit now but i cant see it settling
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By Nicola_Red
It's getting progressively thicker here. My work is never closed tho, as last year's weather evidenced. You can't stop theatre.
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By Ilovematt
Bring back real Council Workers who used to clear roads and paths.

Bloody ridiculas how Britain shuts down because of a bit of snow.
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By MK Chris
It doesn't shut down because of a bit of snow, it shuts down because of a lot of snow - and as has been pointed out before, that's because it's quite rare that we get a lot of snow, so having the infrastructure that very cold countries have in place to deal with it would be a waste of money.
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By dimtimjim
After looking at Motorway reports (its still fecked up north) I have managed to swing some hotel accom tonight, paid for by the company!! Luckily, no one else working on my project has turned up today and we have a deadline for Friday, so work have offered to pay for hotel to ensure I am here working again tomorrow!! Talk about landing on ya feet! :D

So, if there are any lasses in Sheffield at a loose end tonight, PM me.... I may treat ya to a bottle of liebfraumilch....! :wink:

PS. Not really girls, i'm 'appily married off. Plus it'd be less liebfraumilch for me..... Hic!
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By MK Chris
I must say we do seem to be very lucky here with the weather even compared to further south - looking at photos of the M25 and seeing that Gatwick is closed, we appear to be in a small pocket that is the least affected.
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