Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
neilt0 wrote:The Chris Moyles Show on Tour -- Tuesday 02-11-10 Newport Webcast (converted for iPhone/iPod touch): (1.04GB)

Will probably play on other portable hoojamaflips. MP4 format.

I had a long, dull train journey this afternoon and watching this on my iPod touch made it fly by!

You are a legend thank you sir! :D
babbel wrote:Thanks for that, neilt0.
Got a problem: If I want to convert your version of mondays part 2 for my iPod, ladbroke, both my converters stop at 12:anything. Possible to upload it in MP4, like todays?

I used handbrake for Tues show. Monday's show was broken half way, so there may be encoding issues. Someone try it and report back.
c_radical wrote:Just to add, for those with an iPhone or iPod Touch, I do recommend downloading the VLC app, as it will play these .flv files natively without the need for conversion. Just make sure you plug in headphones as the sound doesn't seem to play out through the speaker.

Big thanks to neilt0 for uploading these large files by the way. Must require a lot of patience :D

VLC won't install on iPod touch 1G (and probably not iPhone 1G).

There's a bit of work involved in capturing and uploading, but it's not too arduous.
ronnyponny wrote:I had to register at this forum just so I could thank you, neilt0, for taking the time to record and upload these webcasts from the tour. It is great fun watching them, here from Norway. Again: Thank you!

Cool. I'm glad others are enjoying Moyles-TV as much as I am! Today's show was great -- probably the best audience so far, and there was some good interaction with them from Chris.
babbel wrote:I've used the converter which comes with airtunes as well as that from DVD VideoSoft.

Trying now with super.

By the Way: VLC for iPod just doesn't install on my jailbreaked iPod touch 2G

Handbrake works. Did you try that? "Super" has an interface made by a sadist.

He also designed this panel on an elevator (lift):

c_radical wrote:
Travis Bickle wrote:
ladbroke wrote:Here's Tuesdays if Megaupload is still causing grief.

I have downloaded this, and the the megaupload version,but when I go to play it I just get a literally half second noise and then thats it. Any advice?

What player are you using may I ask?

Its playing real player. I will see if I can change it to play in windows media player. Not sure how, though! I'll have a look.
Sorry, but even with Handbrake as well as Super, it always stops at 12:35. Part two isn't so important to me, todays and yesterdays show seen to be enough for me :) . So, just to let you know, it didn't work; but anyway, a big thanks to neilt0 for letting us having even more fun this week with the visual Show.

PS: Not so sure if that last sentence was that right in grammatical orders...
Sorry, but even with Handbrake as well as Super, it always stops at 12:35. Part two isn't so important to me, todays and yesterdays show seen to be enough for me :) . So, just to let you know, it didn't work; but anyway, a big thanks to neilt0 for letting us having even more fun this week with the visual Show.

PS: Not so sure if that last sentence was that right in grammatical orders... :D
Travis Bickle wrote:Its playing real player. I will see if I can change it to play in windows media player. Not sure how, though! I'll have a look.

Play FLVs in VLC (all platforms) or Media Player Classic-HC (Windows only). Use latest version.
phunk wrote:I'm getting "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable." on megaupload again. :(

Would someone be able to upload the Wednesday show somewhere else? Pretty please!

I just did some surfing around and could not find another host that will let me upload 800MB to 1GB files. Find me one that works and I'll use it!
I'm going to upload Wednesdays show now, although to be honest I'm just uploading Neil's files that've I've downloaded from megaupload without a problem........

Should be available in about 2 hrs from:

*I'm going to bed now and leaving it to upload to the server, so if you download too soon you wont get the complete file, and it may not work. Leave it until about 2am UK time to download to ensure it's finished uploading*
I also registered just to come and say thank you for doing the work and posting these. I am really enjoying this week so far.

For those having trouble with megaupload, leave the site open in another tab and refresh every few minutes, it works after a few tries.

Also, I'm pretty sure this is from my hometown.
neilt0 wrote:He also designed this panel on an elevator (lift):
phunk wrote:Couple more:

Megashares doesn't work. I tried that the other day and it crashed half way during the upload. Which is annoying when the upload takes 3 hours.

I'll continue using MegaUpload for the first upload, then will try another one afterwards once the MU upload is complete. I'll see if Mediafire accepts split rars -- that's my favourite service, but it has a 200MB limit.
MU seems to be working for most people (348 downloads so far).
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