Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
May I just say, thats a mighty fine blouse you are wearing....

**puts hand on DD's knee**

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By DevilsDuck
Why thank you, I got it from Mr. Marks and Mr. Spencer, I like the fetching floral pattern!
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Topher wrote:I don't have High School Musical... I do have Fifty First Dates though, will that do?

That's Adam Sandler isn't it? Definitively shite.
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By MK Chris
One of his better efforts though.
By Stimpy
dimtimjim wrote:My money is on 9 days until this thread resurfaces.....

Ok, so stimpy is gay but won't admit to it. Can we move on now?!

Ooh! Ark at you! :oops:
By Stimpy
foot-loose wrote:Do folk honestly believe that because someone has a different attitude to gay folk, it means they are gay?

And there it is.

I thank you. Very much. It's a refreshing voice of reason but don't you see it happening in other groups too?

If you notice - the anti-racist 'bigots' tend to be middle class whites. I don't mean non-racists I mean anti-racism and it's extremes, if that makes sense.

Hands up who hates peadophilia?

whispers: <one two three.... etc>

On the logic of fruitcakes everyone with their hands up is a closet peadophile.
By Stimpy

God I hate them.

Not the missuss though - oh no - Mamma Mia, Moulin bloody rouge. the lot.

Having said that I went to see Grease when it first came out. I was young enough to not have a clue what most of it was all about.
Why did our parents take us there?
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By Yudster
Musicals. Some are great. Some are ok. Some are crap.
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By Nicola_Red
I'm not a fan of musicals. There are a couple I like (Chicago, Evita) but I've seen many rubbish ones as part of my job. I'd rather see a good play anyway.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]