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By DarroM
This is probably an old and long forgotten subject to most of you but I am just wondering what the Chris Moyles books are like? The thing is though that I am interested in buying the two audiobook versions of his books to listen to during work sometime in the future and apparently according to itunes, the 2nd one is 6 hours long unabridged. What is included in that I would like to know for that long? If anyone can help me out, let me know. I know I can probably buy the books for a lot cheaper but would like to hear him read his own book since I would find it somewhat entertaining.

By Emmy
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:You can definitely tell he hasn't used a ghost writer.

That's not necessarily a good thing...
By Emmy
I wasn't sure whether you did or not, but if that's the case then it seems like we're on the same page- of Chris' badly written book.

bmstinton93 wrote:I think they're brilliant. Really good read.

If you consider those two books to be a good read then you should try reading some halfway decent books. They'll blow your mind.
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By Boboff
The books are coffee table reads at best, he doesn't mention the BBC time at all.

They are padded, waffly, and have lots of big letters to fill the page.

Still he got paid for them, and as such I think we should be encouraging you to go out and buy them in Audio, and the actual book as well to read along ( Try Amazon for £1, or any good Sue Ryder shop)
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By Sidders
The first one wasn't too bad, quite interesting if you want to know about Chris's life and times. There's not a lot of point to the second book though if I remember rightly.
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By newsbeat
Buy them!! I've read them about 4 times and they still make me laugh.

The first one is his autobiography (you should know what that is)

The second one is sort of half-autobiography, half humour if I remember correctly.

Regarldess, they're both great
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By Yudster
They are unchallenging, uncontroversial, low on substance, chatty in style - you won't learn anything about Moyles or anyone or anything else. I wouldn't bother with the audio books, neither book takes more than about half an hour to read cover to cover so you won't get your money's worth. But read them, there's worse out there.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
newsbeat wrote:The second one is sort of half-autobiography, half humour if I remember correctly.

That is a wonderfully generous sentence.
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By DevilsDuck
Toilet books. I won the second one on here!
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By dimtimjim
I liked Chris' books. Sure they're not the most chalenging reads, but I like that as i'm not a massive reader. And it helps to have interest in the man himself, which if you have, you'll learn mroe about him and what made him the presenter he is today. He talks a lot about his earlier jobs, family experiences and his celeb encounters earlier in his career.

Add to that the fact you can now get them both for £1 each, it recommend them to anyone with a mild Moyles interest.
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By Longview01
I've only got the first book its alright, I personally enjoyed meeting Chris more than reading the book itself
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By foot-loose
dimtimjim wrote:I liked Chris' books. Sure they're not the most chalenging reads, but I like that as i'm not a massive reader.

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By dimtimjim
foot-loose wrote: Obviouslay.

Too much other Jazz going on in my life to pick a book up. I rarely watch tv too. Just not got time. Kids'll do that to ya y'know.... Who'd 'ave 'em?! :?
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote:Parents?

Scientifically accurate Bob. Nothing gets past you, does it!! :D

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