- Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:42 pm
The Rules of chrismoyles.net's Golden Hour Game
1. At the beginning of each week (normally Monday) a new thread will be posted stating a year. Players must choose a song from the year and post the track name and artist, with a link to a YouTube video if possible.
2. Songs are deemed to be 'from' the year if they were released as a single, made the top 40 in that year, were included in an album from that year or that made the top 40 that year or were remixed, rerecorded, covered or re-released during that year. Exceptions may be made, within reason.
3. Later in the week (normally Thursday) all the songs, along with their artists and players who chose them will be put into a poll at the top of the thread. The poll will close on Sunday evening and the winner is the player who's song has the most voted. Voting for your own entry is strongly discouraged, but not unallowed.
4. In the event of a tie, the first person to name the year they wish to be the subject of next week's game to be gets their year chosen. If there is no tie, the winner chooses the next year.
5. Once a year a Christmas edition will be played during the final week of Advent. The same rules apply but the song must have been a Christmas top 10 hit. Exceptions may be made, within reason. This game is standalone.
6. The complete history of the Golden Hour Game, including every previous winner may be found in the official archive: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21911&p=417021&hilit=golden+hour+game+archive#p417021
7. The above rules may be changed at any time.
There we go
The Rules of chrismoyles.net's Golden Hour Game
1. At the beginning of each week (normally Monday) a new thread will be posted stating a year. Players must choose a song from the year and post the track name and artist, with a link to a YouTube video if possible.
2. Songs are deemed to be 'from' the year if they were released as a single, made the top 40 in that year, were included in an album from that year or that made the top 40 that year or were remixed, rerecorded, covered or re-released during that year. Exceptions may be made, within reason.
3. Later in the week (normally Thursday) all the songs, along with their artists and players who chose them will be put into a poll at the top of the thread. The poll will close on Sunday evening and the winner is the player who's song has the most voted. Voting for your own entry is strongly discouraged, but not unallowed.
4. In the event of a tie, the first person to name the year they wish to be the subject of next week's game to be gets their year chosen. If there is no tie, the winner chooses the next year.
5. Once a year a Christmas edition will be played during the final week of Advent. The same rules apply but the song must have been a Christmas top 10 hit. Exceptions may be made, within reason. This game is standalone.
6. The complete history of the Golden Hour Game, including every previous winner may be found in the official archive: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21911&p=417021&hilit=golden+hour+game+archive#p417021
7. The above rules may be changed at any time.
There we go

Last edited by John22 on Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Check out this week's Golden Hour Game, hosted by me.