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By Yudster
Realistically though, Ferrari could mess about all they liked and The Tifosi would never desert them.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Topher wrote:In what other sport do people compete for an individual title that is arguably more prestigious than the team one? .

Almost all Motor Sports
Er Gaspodeball
By wireman2004
it's a team sport.

we know the ban was brought in because of the schumacher/barrichello incident in austria 2002.
if you look through the last 15 years

were people up in arms when

2008. kimi raikkonen allowed fillipe massa too pass into 2nd in the chineese grand prix. that took the title too the final round in brazil.

2007. lewis hamilton told too hold position too guarentee a 1-2 finnish in monaco.

1999. michael schumacher allowed eddie irvine too pass for the win. taking the title too the final round.

1998. brilliant holding tatics in france allowed a ferrari 1-2 and a schumacher win.

1998. ralf schumacher told too hold position for a jordan 1-2. damon hill wins

there is 5 off the top of my head.

seems too me that people want too enforce rues when they want too. but it has happened in history. if thats the case. lets go through evdery gp in history and emmend the results
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By MK Chris
Sooooo, wireman2004...... what's your view of the latest Schumacher incident? Breathtakingly dangerous and breathtakingly arrogant in trying to blame Rubens, surely? The guy should have had a one or two race ban for that in my book, although I suppose a grid drop was inevitable. Regardless of how he tries to spin it, that was an incredibly dangerous move and could easily have turned very, very nasty indeed. What would have happened if the pit wall hadn't ended there? Or if another car had been coming out of the pits?

The guy's an arsehole - a brilliant driver, but an arsehole.
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By DevilsDuck
I haven't seen the incident, but it sounds shocking! Completely missed the GP yesterday as I was sat in A&E with the wife......nothing major, she just spilt a drink down her cast and it became very uncomfortable
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By Yudster
Chris Evans this morning was talking about Schumacher - he said he should be banned for it, he said he could easily have killed Rubens. But you expect dangerous driving and recklessness from Schumacher, he's never cared who he takes off the track or how he does it. You also expect the breathtaking self-absorption that leads him to do such things and them completely absolve himself from all responsibility, in the face of irrefutable evidence. The man is a menace who shouldn't be allowed on the track. However talented he is as a driver his attitude and arrogance makes him the wrong person to be in an F1 car.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
The problem I have with the criticism of Schumacher is the love of Senna because they have both done similar things.
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By Yudster
Senna is probably loved more because he is dead. I know that when he was racing I didn't like him, but now when I look back I can't help but have admiration for him, despite his dangeroulsy competitive ways. Perhaps if Schumacher was killed in a race we'd like him better. I know I would.
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By MK Chris
I know Senna was flawed in the same way as well and perhaps it is because he's dead that he's more revered.. however, that move yesterday was an extreme example and Rubens could easily have been killed - and if that had been the case, Schumacher could have been looking at a manslaughter charge in my opinion.
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By MK Chris
Michael Schumacher wrote:I didn't want to endanger him with my manoeuvre. If he had this feeling I am sorry, this was not my intention.


Immediately after the race yesterday I was still in the heat of it all, but after I looked again at the situation with Rubens I have to say that the stewards were correct with their judgement.

Roughly translated, that means: "I thought I could get away with blaming Rubens, but no one is buying it, so I'd better apologise."

Even Murray Walker, who rarely criticises drivers said had a go:
I am a massive Schumacher fan but I have to say he's gone down a bit in my estimation; his aggressive tactics have been over the top too often.

Australia '94, Jerez '97 and now Hungary in 2010 are just three examples which all exposed a flaw in his character and he more than deserved his 10-place grid penalty for Spa.

I have to say the one in Hungary was the worst I have ever seen because if it had gone wrong Rubens Barrichello could have been very seriously hurt, maybe even killed, and the same thing applies to a lot of people in the pit lane.

I just think he went a step too far and I sincerely hope that the rapping on the knuckles that he has had will stop him doing it again. But I doubt it.
By wireman2004
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:The problem I have with the criticism of Schumacher is the love of Senna because they have both done similar things.

It's a case of personal preception. I personally have no problem with the incident.


Well i have watched the incident back 10 times and have seen the following.

1. Schumacher was looking in his mirrors and then started to move over too the pit wall before the start finnish line.
2. Barrichello stayed in the slip stream of schumacher, even when he started too move too the pit wall.

Barrichello should of taken the left hand side of the track to try too overtake because shumacher was already close too the pit wall. Quiet why barrichello still insisted on taking the inside of the track... It isn't upto schumacher too move out of the way when he has already shown barrichello the inside overtake is not avaliable...

I don't know why schumacher apologised...

Somewhere along the way. Real racing like what we saw. Tough, fair and contraversial racing. We have lost.

Look at the same race in 1990. Senna took Nanini when overtaking him, and NO ONE Batted a eyelid.

Sorry real racing fans. We have lost real racing...
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By MK Chris
The point is that he didn't commit to his line before Barrichello moved out. When Rubens made his move, there was easily enough space on the inside to get by, but Schumacher saw him coming and decided to squeeze him into the pit wall - extremely dangerous.

If you think that's fair, I never want to come across you on the road.
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By Yudster
I think its worth pointing out that amongst all the people who saw and have expressed an opinion on what Schumacher did, from people like me who know almost nothing about the sport to Formula 1 driver's, team bosses and commentators, the only one who thinks it was reasonable and that he did nothing wrong is wireman. I'm always in favour of not following the crowd for the sake of it, but realistically there does come a time when you may have to accept that if you are the ONLY dissenting voice you very possibly might be wrong. On the other hand, I admire someone who isn't afraid to swim against the tide.
By wireman2004
You did have schumacher driftingg too the pit wall and barrichello was still in the slip stream and following to pick up the tow.

If you think rubins is right, i know i'm going against the crowd and i know i will get burned. but think of this. as shumacher was already moving toward the pit wall and barrichello was still in the tow before barrichello pulled out (he was following him on the same line for extra speed). do people think schumacher will just move out of the way because rubins wants the inside line. No. schumacher started drifting towards the pit wall before the start finnish line. Look at the video closely and you will see barrichello following schumachers line before pulling out.
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By AndyJ
So then.. Not many races left in the season, Hamilton has already crashed in 1st Practice this weekend in Japan and stacked it on the last 2 races. Who do you think will win the championship?

On another note, F1 2010 on the PS3 is brilliant!
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By MK Chris
Did I tell you I'm going to the Grand Prix next year?

My money's on Alonso unfortunately.
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By dimtimjim
Which one Toph? You going Silverstone or journeying to warmer climbs?! I've been to see F1 at S-stone before (back in my yoof when daddy was payin! - Mansell/Senna era) Nothing can prepare you for the ruddy noise they make, tv, obviously, doesn't do it justice. We walked up the grass banking at the 2/3's point of the Hangar Straight and when the first car came past I about soiled myself.

And yes, F1 2010 on the PS3 is wikkid. The AI for the computer drivers is the best yet in an F1 game, although still not perfect (drivers coming out pit and blocking you on a hot qualifying lap...). And the weather effects are impressive and accurate too, although driving in the rain is most irritating. I've just become World Champion with Lotus and re-signed with them for next year.....

Back to reality, 3 races left of the season, 75 points on the table, so King Lewis is still in with a shot, although its getting less and less likely. That 3rd Gear issue last race was a proper kick in the clankers as he was catching Alonso until then. Ho-hum.
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By MK Chris
Silverstone, we're not made of money! It's only up the road. I've heard F1 cars before, both in demos (I saw Mika Hakkinen doing a demo round Silverstone once) and I went to the 1997 Friday practice.. I totally can't wait though, it's going to be amazing!
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By dimtimjim
Thought so, just didn't want to assume.

Although, is it not now widely accepted that you can do things in other counties for equal to or less than you can over here in Rip-off Britain?

Example: I am off to Kirkcaldy up in bonnie Jockland for a meeting a week on Monday.... The lady in the office who organises that shizz handed me my train tickets yesterday. Now, i'll conceded that this is a price for First Class (we get that at work 'cos its over a 4 hour journey - and I ain't gonna complain!) but the train journey alone is £337....! THREE FRIKKIN HUNDRED QUID! I did point out I coulda booked a flight to Egypt for that price and we should have the meeting there, but I don't think that'll 'appen. But it is ruddy crazy. Add to that the inflated price of a UK hotel and UK taxi's and UK food and it all seems a little daft to me.

Plus, as Foots will agree with, who wants to pay £300 only to end up in Kirkcaldy!!! :D
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