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Which is the best song from 1995?

Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe (bmstinton93)
No votes
Oasis - Some Might Say (Sidders)
The Verve - History (Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog)
Scatman John - Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop) (DevilsDuck)
Weezer - Buddy Holly (Bonanzoid)
Pulp - Underwear (Topher)
No votes
Gigolo Aunts - Where I Find My Heaven (Johnny 1989)
Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings (CassieJackson)
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Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (Munki Bhoy)
Wildchild feat. Fatboy Slim - Renegade Master (Yudster)
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Pulp - Common People (Jill)
New Order- Blue Monday (charlalottie)
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Nine Inch Nails - Hurt (Zoot)
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By John22
1995 this time around, make your choice of song, youtube link if you can, they will go into a poll later in the week and we'll vote for the best (or if your Gaspode or Sidders your own).

Last edited by John22 on Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By bmstinton93
I nearly went for Living Next Door To Alice by Roy Chubby Brown but I've gone for this instead:
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By Sidders
Got to go for Oasis here, who in 1995 were about to reach the peak of their popularity and scored their first number one with this song. This is Noel's version from MTV Unplugged:

Because I was there and because its the right answer.
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By DevilsDuck
what a year!

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By Bonanzoid

Weezer - Buddy Holly.
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By DevilsDuck
oh my god, you have my vote. Don't think anyone is gonna beat that in my opinion
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By MK Chris
I LOVE that Weezer track. But to be honest, I've been waiting for this year to come up - there are several that I could choose from and actually they're all from the same album because it happens to be possibly my favourite album and almost every song is brilliant. I was almost dissuaded from using the album by Ini Kamoze's Hotstepper, but not quite. The album is Pulp's Different Class and the song I'm choosing is Underwear.

I just had to listen to that Weezer song again in case it had changed into Working Class Hero or something but no its still shite and all of you lot are * nuts.
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By Johnny 1989
Fantastic year, the first year I got a CD player in fact, so I have lots of great memories of songs from this year. There's quite a few good'uns, several of which I would have chosen above, however I went for this:

Gigolo Aunts - Where I Find My Heaven - May 1995 - Number 29

Not only was it used in Dumb & Dumber but it was also the theme for BBC 2 sitcom "Game On", remember that :lol:
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By Johnny 1989
DevilsDuck wrote:Game On was great! Samantha Janus is her early 20s :D

Oh yes Samantha Janus in that is one of my favourite memories of that show :lol:
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By CassieJackson
Well, I think the Gigolo Aunts will be getting my vote this week...

but my choice is Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings

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By Munki Bhoy
I was tempted to split the Scatman vote with Scatman's World (the better song in my opinion) but I'll go for Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise instead.

Bonus - Michelle Pfeiffer. Yummy.
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By Yudster
This one's for Zoot - Wildchild featuring Fatboy Slim, Renegade Master.

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By Sidders
I'll think you'll find that the 1995 version of that song had noting to do with Fatboy Slim. It wasn't until 1998 when Fatboy Slim remixed it that it reached number 3 in the charts.
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By Yudster
I think you'll find that's no bigger breach of the "rules" than assuming its ok to vote for your own song.
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By Sidders
Yudster wrote:I think you'll find that's no bigger breach of the "rules" than assuming its ok to vote for your own song.

I didn't say the choice wasn't valid, as a remix of a 1995 track I'm sure it's perfectly fine. Just clearing it up that's all :)

And where are these "rules" you speak of? I don't see anywhere that it says you can't vote for your own song.
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By MK Chris
In the very first poll:
English Bob wrote:Voting time! You can't vote for your own song please
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By Yudster
The reason I put "rules" not Rules was because when the game was first done, there was a set of general guidelines within which it would work, the main one of which would be that you didn't vote for your own choice. When John re-introduced the game, a couple of people asked him if that would still apply, he said if thats what we wanted, people said yes - its all been very gentle and agreeable, but it seems to work well like that.
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By Boboff
I love it!!!

We can have a song that wasn't realeased for 3 years, but we can't vote for our own choice.

You have to admit it, that is rather parculiar comparison, the not voting for yourself and actually picking a song that charted in that year or before ( as it might have come in again) both seem fair in thier own way, and saying well you voted for yourself, so I am going to have a song from "the future" is at best Churlish, and at worst, just * annoying because it's Sidders.
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By Yudster
I don't mind people doing whatever they do, the fun bit is picking the song and seeing what everyone else picks. I was just answering a question. And I was at pains to point out the gentle and flexible nature of the "rules"...........
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