Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
Get your hands off him, he's mine.
Yudster wrote:My heart wants a return to a socialist Labour party, but his policies smack of window dressing, pandering to the disenfranchised Left and ultimately, if he actually DOES take the party in that direction (which I doubt he will), will make him unelectable. And if he DOESN'T take the party in that direction, but just offers a slightly spun to the left (as opposed to moved to the left) option (which I predict is what will happen) it exposes him as a shallow lying arse before he's even been in power - so why elect him?

David would have been a far better choice, he's a better politician, and had a better chance of providing a Labour party which could actually regain a little credibility.
Fair point.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]