Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By switchfront
This is going to be damn near impossible I'm sure. But I'm looking a week or two back I believe. I'm trying to get the segment where they discussed the Rhianna/Eminem song. Chris was making fun of it, making up his own rap. He was talking about how he never listened to the words and such. It was hilarious and I'd REALLY love to have it if anyone has it. I wish I could be more specific on the date. I just know it was this month but not sure when :(
By bmstinton93
I think there maybe a section on the Chris moyles shows page on the radio 1 website where you can go back and read all the programme information for previous shows. It may be helpful if you do this and find out the exact show
By switchfront
Yeah they have that but they only put a couple of one liners that show the highlights of the show.
This wasn't a designated link or anything, it just happened after they played the song. Really the only chance of this coming up is if someone keeps the shows and remembers this happening in the last few weeks. I'm sure it's pointless in asking but thought I would give it a try anyway :) Thanks though! Oh yeah, I can definitely say it's Aug 16th or newer. It was definitely after they came back from holiday.
By bmstinton93
Have you looked through the tracklists cause i dont think they have played it that much and presumably this conversation happened before or after playing the song
By switchfront
Oh wow, my bad, I didn't even realize you could click the day and get a detailed list :) Thanks, that'll help my investigation! haha It was after the song went off, he started talking about it. Hopefully I'll be able to narrow it down now, thanks again!
By switchfront
Okay, after poking around, here's what I've narrowed it down to when they played the Eminem/Rhianna song. It would have happened right after it played. On August 27th, they didn't list times, so all I could do is tell you what songs it was between. If anyone has these shows, could you please just skim to the times and see if Chris starts making up raps acting like Eminem? Any help would reallllly be appreciated. Thanks!! :)

Sept 9th - Played between 93a-945a
Sept 6th - Played between 730a-750a
August 27th - Played between Star Girl and The Automatic
August 24th - Played between 920a-950a
August 19th - Played between 730-830a
August 16th - Played between 8a-9a
By bmstinton93
If you go to page 46 on the moyles mark and lard archive they should be there. If not they will be on either page 47 or 48 and all those shows should be there with the music edited out but you should still be able to find it. I will try have another look sometime as well. If you do find the exact show let me know and I'll clip that bit out for you
By switchfront
You my friend are a most helpful! I don't get to make it to the forums as much as I'd like. I didn't even know those were there. Thank you so much for putting up with my forum n00bness :D
By switchfront
Oh well, I tried those, but they're not the full show :( The descriptions say they're the full shows just without music, but every one that I'm downloading or only an hour long or less.
By bmstinton93
They should be pretty much the full shows i think. There may be some crap edited out but only very unimportant stuff but i dont think so. When i tried them i swear they were about 2 hours long. Maybe it was a problem with the downloading maybe you should just try playing them without downloading to see if that makes a difference.
By switchfront
Yep, I let it play out this time instead of trying to save the file and it worked fine! I'm going to try and snag QT Pro, then do a "save source as" and see if the full file comes down that way. I was just right clicking the link and choosing "save link as" and it would only get part of the show for some reason. Thanks again for the help, I really do appreciate it!
By bmstinton93
switchfront wrote:Yep, I let it play out this time instead of trying to save the file and it worked fine! I'm going to try and snag QT Pro, then do a "save source as" and see if the full file comes down that way. I was just right clicking the link and choosing "save link as" and it would only get part of the show for some reason. Thanks again for the help, I really do appreciate it!

Let me know how you get on with finding that segment i really hope you find it now!
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