- Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:19 pm
I have considered getting involved in this discussion several times but you are so bogged down in stereotypes it's unreal and hardly worth the time. A couple of points though - First of all, I imagine you don't actually know any gay folk, if you do then I reckon you keep them at arms length (just in case). Yesno?
Secondly - these "fellas in the pub" you keep referring to - they may well be the crowd of folk you hang about with. That doesn't mean they represent the average guy though. I have spent lots of time in many pubs, talking with plenty of "fellas" and this backwards opinion on this topic has never been mentioned. If I was you, I would re-consider who I associated with - they are planting some odd ideas in your head.
Lastly, this whole aspect of being un-pc for the hell of it. Frankie Boyle does it pretty well and, let's be honest, it's getting boring. I have no problem with people having an opinion on a subject when their opinion is well informed. Using a line like "limp shouty sort" would lead me to believe that you don't really know what you're talking about and that you are deliberatly trying to cause offense and controversy. That's not the same as being "un-pc". That's just being a dick.
Stimpy wrote:<<could you please just clarify what you mean by "those types">>
I mean't homosexuals - since the topic was about two 'types'. 'These' and 'those'. See?
<<I do love this PC/un-PC stuff. You get to be offensive and just say "I'm just not being PC" and get away with it.>>
Yes- I think it's best to be un-PC but not offensive ( that's just going to the other extreme). What becomes 'offensive' is a gauge that may be different between people. Obviously to yourself simply questioning things about the topic is offensive. Unless it agrees with just one side of the argument. Handy.
<<Strange, I've never had a problem with people, which is quite considerate of them, cos it's still * difficult to come to terms with. I guess it must just be some sort of elaborate act that everyone has and they're really disgusted by my obvious perversion.>>
When you come out to people I would suspect those closest to you take time out to think it over and come to terms with it. Thereafter they will politely accept your situation and not make crass comments etc. They may even change views and even deep seated prejudices. Ordinarily, though - if you listen to a conversation between fellas in a pub - just the average group and it's probably too offensive to this board.
< You're living in a bubble if you think the average person on the street doesn't care about equality.>
Equality covers tons of subjects. It's not the preserve of the gays. Although if you look at the previous government you'd think it was. And then there's 'rights'. Lets not get into that one!!
<<…readiest the JLS condoms and see which one is the best…>>
Over my head.
<<Perhaps it's time to close Part 8 & open up Part 9 seeing as this one has become a bit buggered over the last few pages>>
Clever. And 'cheeky'. See how I carried on the tradition there?
<<I think a mod should just delete all the off topic comments so aled doesn't have to read them. (Including this comment)>>
Although - be fair - I was responding to a post within this thread. But you're probably right - it should be on another thread by now (did not realise it would tickle so many "There should be a law against free thought" sorts and get so much of a reaction).
<<I took it from his last post that he already has read them. And to be fair, most posts were from people who were sticking up for him, with only a couple of idiots making themselves look stupid with their ridiculous comments. I'm sure Aled has a thick skin, anyone working with Chris would need to have that! As has been suggested a few posts above, perhaps it's time to close this particular thread and start 'Ask Aled (Part Nine)'.>>
Apart from the initial innuendo in your paragraph (sorry!) "Idiots", "Stupid, and "ridiculous" certainly puts across some great valid adult points!![]()
And - yes - I think Aled probably does have thick skin - I suspect there may be quite a few nasty anti-gay messages that go his way. From the same numbskull types who think you cannot have an opinion which questions that way of life. However - when you're in the spotlight of national recognition via the media you probably need thick skin. Very thick skin. I suspect Chris has the same thick skin. Especially when he's had the limp shouty sort demo-ing against him regarding him as a bigot (the irony!) and a homophobe. I suspect its an attribute you must have when you world on TV/radio.
I have considered getting involved in this discussion several times but you are so bogged down in stereotypes it's unreal and hardly worth the time. A couple of points though - First of all, I imagine you don't actually know any gay folk, if you do then I reckon you keep them at arms length (just in case). Yesno?
Secondly - these "fellas in the pub" you keep referring to - they may well be the crowd of folk you hang about with. That doesn't mean they represent the average guy though. I have spent lots of time in many pubs, talking with plenty of "fellas" and this backwards opinion on this topic has never been mentioned. If I was you, I would re-consider who I associated with - they are planting some odd ideas in your head.
Lastly, this whole aspect of being un-pc for the hell of it. Frankie Boyle does it pretty well and, let's be honest, it's getting boring. I have no problem with people having an opinion on a subject when their opinion is well informed. Using a line like "limp shouty sort" would lead me to believe that you don't really know what you're talking about and that you are deliberatly trying to cause offense and controversy. That's not the same as being "un-pc". That's just being a dick.