tom_austin wrote:What a vindictive and nasty person you are Yudster. I've watched for months at the snide unpleasant & rude posts you've made about Matt Fincham and feel it's about time someone spoke up.
As far as I'm concerned whenever matt's on air he seems in awe of the situation he's in. He only ever volunteers information when Chris asks him, unlike the other team members who pipe up with they're comments throughout the show. He seems to be a genuine fan of the show and what the team all do and i think his geekiness is quite endearing.
I for one find him quite likeable and far from arrogant - he is self deprecating in his sense of humour and lets the team rib him in a light spirited way. Theyre obviously quite fond of him
Do you think if Chris and co disliked him that much (as you're keen to make out, even though you don't know any of the team personally, yet seem to think youre an authority on them) he'd be on the show? Surely he must be one of the most able and dedicated Radio 1 assistent producers to be put on the station's breakfast show for so long?
I'm just getting bored now of your Matt baiting everytime you post Yudster. Change the record - you're becoming really tiresome.
Until I change my opinion about Matt Fincham (which could happen, I used to dislike Carrie but ended up loving her) when its appropriate I'll voice that opinion. Which is, in case you were in any confusion, that he is a silly, self-serving brat who desperately hoped that getting a job on the CM show would be his passport to some sort of fame (a la Aled and Rachel I guess) but failed miserably because he comes across on air as exactly what he is, which if you were in any doubt is a [see above]. The exception to this is when they use him for musical features, where he is sublime.
Interestingly enough, you purport to dislike it when I voice this opinion, but if you hadn't stepped in here for apparently no reason at all to say so, I would have had no reason to reiterate that opinion, which is, if you were wondering, that Matt Fincham is a waste of space on air unless he is doing something musical, and the show is a lot better when he isn't speaking. And as for
whoever posted this wrote: I'm just getting bored now of your Matt baiting everytime you post Yudster.
- I haven't mentioned Matt for aaaaaages, and if you hadn't brought up the subject I wouldn't be doing so now. However, seeing as you have, I'll just tell you what I think of him (in case you didn't know). He's a bit of a silly tit really, who landed a great job as assistant producer on the breakfast show, but was so desperate to turn it into something on-air that he actually wound up not being a particularly good assistant producer for a long while, although I would hope he's got the hang of it by now. He's also an object lesson in how a high-end education means absolutely nothing when you dip a toe into the workplace - maybe something to note for anyone currently disappointed about not getting into their first choice uni, see, Cambridge didn't help Matt Fincham any did it? All that top-end academic input and he's still a dork.
Anyway - as you were so kind as to enquire about what my opinion of Matt Fincham is (and I thank you again for the opportunity to exercise my right to hold and voice that opinion, its very public spirited of you) perhaps I should ask you about yours? And whilst I suspect it may differ radically from mine, I can assure you that I will be in no way offended if you don't agree with me, and I think I can probably be flexible minded enough to accept that there isn't any requirement for anyone to feel the same way as I do about anything at all, and whilst I might personally hold the completely opposite view, its absolutely ok for you to express your opinion as often and as strongly as you feel appropriate. I think what I might do if I find it in any way irritating (which I probably won't, but lets be prepared) is maybe not read it, but probably a more reasonable response would be to read it and say "Hmm, that's strange, that person doesn't hold the exact same view as me! Oh well". Maybe I'll give that a go.
Thanks whoever you are, you've been really helpful.