Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By a_girl_from_mars
I don't have a middle name either, nor do my brothe and sister.I've never known why though because both my mum and dad do.
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By Minnie the Minx
My middle name is Emma, same as Dave's fiancee.
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By clarkey
i dont have a middle name. but it is annoying being named after a former big brother contstant
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By Sidders
Paul Clarke? Hows Helen doing these days?
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By gregs
FAAled wrote:Not sure what I should be called though!?

Aled ? - just a thought

:D gregs
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Just rearrange the letters an what do you have... Dale. Suits you perfectly.
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By Adam
Mr FA Aled - Did you go to University? Whats the average BBC BA earning at the moment

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By magenta
22k or thereabouts I reckon.
By Everlast
A question for Aled
If you pay attention to my avatar are you going to sue the makers of South Park for the vile explotation of your image rights and the fact that they have basically named the character after you.
By timb
Aled I want to have your babies!
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By Adam
'Lasto wrote:A question for Aled
If you pay attention to my avatar are you going to sue the makers of South Park for the vile explotation of your image rights and the fact that they have basically named the character after you.

big ga-y al....
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By Minnie the Minx
Aled - Have you got an advent calander?

Also are you going to the Fame Academy tour?
Last edited by Minnie the Minx on Fri Dec 06, 2002 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sam
Ad wrote:
'Lasto wrote:A question for Aled
If you pay attention to my avatar are you going to sue the makers of South Park for the vile explotation of your image rights and the fact that they have basically named the character after you.

big ga-y al....

Ah, but your forgetting Aleds only ickle. He could be big ga-y Al's son. Oh wait, that doesn't work. Brother? If Michael Jackson can get away with calling his sons the same name...
By timb
grrr, please don't bring up awfully annoying stereotypes like that cartoon :cry: :evil:
By Everlast
Suck my balls dunny
By timb
that character & that cartoon are facist
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By Nablo.
Then don't watch it and stop moaning.
By Bridgie
question to aled

do you read this thread anymore?

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By Sidders
He's probably got bored of it.
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By Uglybob
i wouldnt be surprised
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By Lawrie
Bob your Duke picture is sick as fcuk!......very nasty
By spellsy
please help.............has anyone found my dog??????????

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By Lawrie
Haore has taken it for some "Hoare loving"
By FAAled
Ad wrote:Mr FA Aled - Did you go to University? Whats the average BBC BA earning at the moment


not sure how much information I should give here! I believe BA's join Radio 1 on around £16,000.

I didn't go to Uni no. I thought that I'd climb up the broadcasting ladder quicker if I just went into the industry and did it as opposed to studying about how to do it.
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By MK Chris
Cool, so what did you start off as in the Beeb?
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