Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By foot-loose
Jill wrote:Awesome. Better late than never.

Hi newbies :)

They're not really newbies though are they, they've just been quiet.
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By Johnny 1989
You think 10-12 hours is late, how about 9-11 years (see sig)

(thinly disguised, shamless plug for the archive thread) ;)
By Jill
foot-loose wrote:
Jill wrote:Awesome. Better late than never.

Hi newbies :)

They're not really newbies though are they, they've just been quiet.

Well a couple of them have joined recently, and theyre new to me :)
By wireman2004
Jimmy_Lemon wrote:
scottyb2008 wrote:
Jimmy_Lemon wrote:I gave up 3 hours and used the international (real player) link.

rtsp:// ... ay_0630.ra

Thanks, how do you find those links???

They have been floating around on here for ages. If you search for 'Internation links' there is a few threads that list them all. I wont upset wireman2004 by listing them again, it might cause him to have a coronary.

Thank god someone actually used the search button...
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By Comedy John
I am not new. I joined here before nearly everyone of you. Below my name it says I am quite new but i'm not. Does anyone know at exactly what time they put Thursdays show on? It must be a record for taking the longest time. I am having to listen to yesterday's one now and hopefully today's one after.
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By foot-loose
Comedy John wrote:I am not new. I joined here before nearly everyone of you. Below my name it says I am quite new but i'm not.

That's what I mean!
By Jill
Ok, let me be a bit more specific. Hi to Yoda and Corsaboi who have just in the last couple of weeks :)
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By Comedy John
I have finally heard Thursdays show and Fridays one which was put on quickly enough. I only usually come on here when there is a problem with the iplayer so I will probably be back here next Thursday.
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By foot-loose
Comedy John wrote:I have finally heard Thursdays show and Fridays one which was put on quickly enough. I only usually come on here when there is a problem with the iplayer so I will probably be back here next Thursday.

Stick around, feed the Yudster, eat some Toffos, have a Kit Kat, talk about being reminded of babes... it's a fun place to be!
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By Comedy John
This is like the official thread for when the show is late at being put on the iPlayer. I only seem to be on this forum when there are problems with the show being put on. They must not like Thursdays. If the show doesn't get put on soon I will e-mail them about it.
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By ChunkyMunky
Comedy John wrote:I only seem to be on this forum when there are problems with the show being put on.

Lol, same here.
How can they make sure trash like Fearn Cotton and Greg James is up, and yet our saviour still isn't on there?

Someone needs a kick up the arse.

Edit: Thanks for the link Jase.
Appreciate it. :)

By bmstinton93
JaseF wrote:mms://

listening there, not added to iplayer yet tho :(

thankyou so much where do u get this from and is this possible to do everyday?
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By dimtimjim
Its now on iPlayer.....
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]