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By DannyBoy
My Sirius is broken :( it's 2PM GMT and there's no sign of today's show on the iplayer :(
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By ChunkyMunky
Yep, it's still not there.

Wednesday's show was there an hour after the show finished, and here we are again 4 and a half hours and still waiting.
There must be a pattern to this.
A certain day when a certain person is responsible for getting it done maybe.

I'm not suggesting it's someone in particular (I wouldn't have a clue who it would be) but someone is letting the side down.

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By DannyBoy
ChunkyMunky wrote:Yep, it's still not there.

Wednesday's show was there an hour after the show finished, and here we are again 4 and a half hours and still waiting.
There must be a pattern to this.
A certain day when a certain person is responsible for getting it done maybe.

I'm not suggesting it's someone in particular (I wouldn't have a clue who it would be) but someone is letting the side down.


It seems to happen most Thursdays :( it could be to do with the podcast being put together today in time for tommrrow.
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By Comedy John
7 hours after the show has finished and it's still not on the iplayer. This is the worst I have ever seen. The only Radio 1 show from today on the iplayer is Dev. This has ruined my day and they are going to hear about it.
By corsaboi
I did some crack investigative work and discovered.... 1xtra,radio 2, radio 3, radio 4, 5 live, 6 music, radio 7, asian network, bbc1, bbc2, and god forbid EVEN BBC NEWCASTLE is down. How am I gonna get my fill of Alfie Joey and Charlie Charlton, the gentle way to start your day, by slipping into a coma.

So, I don't really think it's anyone's fault... apart from the bastards who run iplayer.

I did some further awesome work, and discovered this hidden message: ... work110310
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By Dreamxtreme
foot-loose wrote:There are so many people in this thread I've never seen before. Hi everyone!

O dear here he is.

Oi you wheres my show gone ! ? :D
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By Yudster
Dreamxtreme wrote:
foot-loose wrote:There are so many people in this thread I've never seen before. Hi everyone!

O dear here he is.

Oi you wheres my show gone ! ? :D

Foots, who do you think he thinks you are?!
By wireman2004
Come On. This is getting rediculous... Every time the show is even a hour or 2 late going up on the i player. We have a new thread that the BBC I player is down And they want answers Now. And it seems to be a newbie every time

THIS AINT THE BBC. why should we come on the forum each time the bbc hasn't put the show on the i player a new post on the subject to be put on here.
By wireman2004
And before anyone moans about my previous post. I searched i Player,And I counted 13 topics In only 5 pages of posts that contained moaning of the i player. And that is only going back about 18 months.
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By John_Dory
wireman2004 wrote:Come On. This is getting rediculous... Every time the show is even a hour or 2 late going up on the i player. We have a new thread that the BBC I player is down And they want answers Now. And it seems to be a newbie every time

THIS AINT THE BBC. why should we come on the forum each time the bbc hasn't put the show on the i player a new post on the subject to be put on here.

[sarcasm]Yes, I quite agree. This is such a fast moving forum that threads like this one, which get lots of comments from stupid newbies, push all the interesting threads further down so they don't get as many views. It's also impossible to ignore these threads, you just have to give your opinion on them.[/sarcasm]
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By Jimmy_Lemon
scottyb2008 wrote:
Jimmy_Lemon wrote:I gave up 3 hours and used the international (real player) link.

rtsp:// ... ay_0630.ra

Thanks, how do you find those links???

They have been floating around on here for ages. If you search for 'Internation links' there is a few threads that list them all. I wont upset wireman2004 by listing them again, it might cause him to have a coronary.
By scottyb2008
Jimmy_Lemon wrote:
scottyb2008 wrote:
Jimmy_Lemon wrote:I gave up 3 hours and used the international (real player) link.

rtsp:// ... ay_0630.ra

Thanks, how do you find those links???

They have been floating around on here for ages. If you search for 'Internation links' there is a few threads that list them all. I wont upset wireman2004 by listing them again, it might cause him to have a coronary.

Ahh right thanks, I know the links have been up before, just wondered if they all still worked no matter how old they are.

No your right, don't list them, reading some of the posts it seems a few people on here take it a little bit to seriously :D

Thanks again for the info.
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:
Dreamxtreme wrote:
foot-loose wrote:There are so many people in this thread I've never seen before. Hi everyone!

O dear here he is.

Oi you wheres my show gone ! ? :D

Foots, who do you think he thinks you are?!

I don't know, but I am happy to find out...

Dreamxtreme wrote:
foot-loose wrote:There are so many people in this thread I've never seen before. Hi everyone!

O dear here he is.

Oi you wheres my show gone ! ? :D

I've got no idea - what show? I checked down the back of the couch for you but I couldn't see anything.
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