Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Jill
Not sure if there is a similar thread hanging around but anyways...

So i was driving on the M40 yesterday and was starving and needed a toilet break so we stopped off at the services. I had a Burger King (naughty i know) I sprinkled a sachet of salt on to the fries, then i started to open the ketchup.... All of a sudden the ketchup splattered itself all over me. Mainly in my hair, on my top, all over my face and much to my horror in front of a load of people who found it hilarious :( My other half has called me ketchup head/saucy ever since.

Any embarrassing moments for you guys lately?
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By Munki Bhoy
I was parked at the side of the A419 when my car broke down, and I felt a little parched. So as fate would have it, there was this lucozade bottle at the side of the road! Imagine my surprise...
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By dimtimjim
Ah, so Glasow-ish doesn't mean Yeovil then!

I had one moment a few months back. Stopped at the local shoppin centre on the way home after an 'ard days graft needing to use the cash machine. Parked the car, made the short walk to the ATM and extracted my drink/drug money (cant remember real need for cash, but this way I sound dead getto!) and headed back to the car.... It wasn't there! WTF, had it been stollen?! Nope, there it was slowly rolling across the carpark towards a Focus....!! *! Needless to say, my car got to their car before I got to it. Only a light impact and no damage at all done to either vehicle, but by this point I had an almost theatre like audience of some 30+ people all enjoying the show!! Oh the shame.
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By Nicola_Red
A few years ago I was going down an escalator in a well-known high street store when I decided to take my jacket off. However, I forgot that it was hooked up to the earphones of my mp3 player and in my attempts to disentangle one from the other, I dropped the wire, bent down to attempt to retrieve it and slipped. I didn't fall forwards so didn't hurt myself, but just landed at the bottom of the escalator with a thump, and with my wire half-sucked into the escalator. An assistant rushed to my aid and after I stood up and regained my composure, she had to call for the security guards, one of whom stood at the top of the escalator to stop anyone else attempting to get on it, while the other stood at the bottom, stopped it and put it in reverse so I could extract my earphones.

The only saving grace to this incident was that it was a Wednesday morning, not a Saturday afternoon when there would have been a thousand shoppers around to watch my stupidity. But still...oh dear.
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By MK Chris
Ah, too many people remember that.
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By Yudster
Well it is extraordinarily memorable. Snigger.