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By foot-loose
Right folks, I need you to get your thinking caps on for me. I've been set an Apprentice style challenge in work. I am being given £10 and need to turn that into as much money as possible by the end of September. 

The ideas suggested so far are yer usual things like a bake sale or a raffle, it can also be something that doesn't cost anything (throwing wet sponges at the management kinda thing). 

What I'm hoping is that someone here might have done something similar or heard of somehing that I could steal. 

Any suggestions? 
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By Console
You could buy lottery tickets, granted, a quick bit of mental arithmetic put the odds of losing money at about 83% (okay, I may have used a calculator, well Python actually), and the chance of ending up with what you started with is about 13%, so that leaves a nice 4% within which you could significantly increase your money.
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By Yudster
Buy cake ingredients. Make cakes. Sell cakes for more than the cost of the ingredients. Repeat.
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By DannyBoy
foot-loose wrote:Right folks, I need you to get your thinking caps on for me. I've been set an Apprentice style challenge in work. I am being given £10 and need to turn that into as much money as possible by the end of September. 

The ideas suggested so far are yer usual things like a bake sale or a raffle, it can also be something that doesn't cost anything (throwing wet sponges at the management kinda thing). 

What I'm hoping is that someone here might have done something similar or heard of somehing that I could steal. 

Any suggestions? 

We did something kinda similar, we blagged a load of Ben n Jerrys Ice cream and sold it at lunch time to businesses in our tower and raised about $300 dollars for Charriteeeee, but you need free ice cream, super hot weather and emmm hot guys and gals to sell it :D
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By Yudster
You missed out a step there Boboff.
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By Yudster
Krispy Kreme does weight raising too. Bastards.