The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By bwfcol
Looks quite good but I can't find the running order, it would be a shame if they have stopped doing this, it was quite useful
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By Zoot
Hows about a link?
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By Zoot
Ah, so it's not a new site at all then? just the old one re-vamped?
And why is there an egg in a R1 eggcup on the banner of that site?
By Ella
bwfcol wrote:Looks quite good but I can't find the running order, it would be a shame if they have stopped doing this, it was quite useful

I agree, I've always found the running order by far the most useful part of Chris' site. I don't usually have time to listen to the whole show and like to use the running order to choose which bits to listen again to. If they were to get rid of any section of it then I'd vote for the blog, which never features 'proper' blogs and seems to be updated on a very hit and miss basis.
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By Yudster
Oh no, the blog has to stay as its the only thing that justifies the continued employment of Matt Fincham.
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By Yudster
I can't decide if that's a sarcastic "thanks" or not. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
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By Zoot
It can only be a bad thing, surely?
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By Yudster
Well I thought so, but Chris has surprised me before......

Mind you, after Chris being so obliging about the parodies and all, it does seem a bit of a slap in the face if it really IS bad.
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By shamrock student
Looks quite good but I can't find the running order

The running order is still there if you click on the 'programme information' link on the index of past Moyles show.

Overall the site site is looking very slick. While there was nothing wrong with the old site,they have done a good job on the new version.... the missing link excepted!
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By Zoot
Good spot GarathH, it's there with all the other links as it was last time. A bit hasty Mr Harris?
By richardtomlinson
bwfcol wrote:... I can't find the running order ...

The running order archive is still there but today (Mon 17th Aug) hasn't been added yet.
By Ella
It's there now. I hope we won't have to wait so long for it in future.
By richardtomlinson
Ella wrote:It's there now. I hope we won't have to wait so long for it in future.

What are you referring to? The running order for the 17th Aug is still not available.
By RyanBridgwood
the old link to running order is there but it hasnt been updated since friday, probably the last time the "old" site was updated.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]