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By Johnny 1989
Munki Bhoy wrote:Mr Flibble = Legend.

I happened to like Legion from Series 6 as well.

Yes, Series VI started off well, Psirens was great as was Legion & Gunmen Of The Apocalypse. However the second half was a bit lacklusture for me.

Emohawk - Polymorth II didn't really work as the first one was done on the Dwarf itself not the tiny Starbug set & also the personality drains were different as well, rather than become completely different random people like they did in the first one (Lister being "hard as nails" & not scared of anything, Kryten having no guilt & generally being nasty, Cat becoming a piss head tramp who was a mess and Rimmer becoming a facilitator who resembled Rolf Harris) Polymorth II was (to me at least) just an excuse to bring back to popular chracters (Duane Dibley & Ace Rimmer, of which both were great but just felt tacked on here)

Rimmerworld I've never been a fan of, there's some nice moments but the story is, for me, instantly forgettable

Out Of Time was a good story but not as good as the first three stories.

After that it's a mixture, both Series VII & VIII had some great episodes but never had the magic & consistency of Series II-V.
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By Munki Bhoy
Of series VII and VIII as a whole there was only one real highlight for me.

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By Johnny 1989
Munki Bhoy wrote:Of series VII and VIII as a whole there was only one real highlight for me.

A piece of excellence, that was the highlight of Series VII

For me the best of each series is:

Series VII - Tikka To Ride, Stoke Me A Clipper & Blue (ironically all three episodes have Rimmer in them)

Series VIII - Cassandra, Krytie TV & Only The Good...

Zoot, you may have to copy the link, seems You Tube have stopped embedding of recent :x :roll:
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By S4B
Andy B wrote:Alright. You can have Season 5 as well then. Mainly for Back to Reality.

You cave too easily. Stick to your guns! Seasons 1-4 brilliant. Season 5 it started going downhill with mere flashes of brilliance.
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By Johnny 1989
S4B wrote:
Andy B wrote:Alright. You can have Season 5 as well then. Mainly for Back to Reality.

You cave too easily. Stick to your guns! Seasons 1-4 brilliant. Season 5 it started going downhill with mere flashes of brilliance.

What, what, WHAT! Series 5 was great, Series 6 was when it went downhill. I can never get tired watching Series 5, always makes me laugh :D
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By Johnny 1989
S4B wrote:Meh! You obviously have no taste!

The Inquisitor is brilliant, and Quarantine is one of the best shows they ever did & Back To Reality is superb. The rest are really good as well.

I say that it's you that have no taste!

(throws down gauntlet) ;) :lol:
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By Munki Bhoy
I'm with Johnny on this one. There isn't a bad episode in series five. Every one of the six is a cracker.

Series five gives me a double Polaroid. Munki wins. ;-)
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By Zoot
Mmm, I think we need a Red Dwarf quiz...
I will work on it tomorrow.
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By Andy B
I'll relent and add season 5 as being good with some very memorable episodes but I still say it was the start of the end. It was starting to get into the "Bad Guy of the week" territory.
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By Johnny 1989
Andy B wrote:I'll relent and add season 5 as being good with some very memorable episodes but I still say it was the start of the end. It was starting to get into the "Bad Guy of the week" territory.

your right, with the exception of Holoship in series v the rest ended up as villain of the week between series v & vi. i cant speak for series vii and viii as ive never watched them properly to be honest.
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By dimtimjim
Just picking up on this Dwarf thing....

I agree with previous comments, series 1-5 are great. Sure, 1 was a little sketchy to start off with, but from 2-5 the team (with added Kryten) gel'd together and the story ideas were, mostly, good. Series 6 had brief moments of brilliance. 7 and 8 were mainly pap. A poor re-hash of a golden oldie, that lost 90% of ties to the original. Who else thought the amazing computerised special effects just didn't suit the 'cheapness' laid out by the originals? Watch the fist few series on dvd, pay attention to the set and props and its amazing how many items you can identify. Basic household items glued and sprayed grey. Simple.

These new ones....

More of the same, really, IMO. Basic links to past Dwarf, odd funny moment, mostly drivel. Bit disappointed, but was kinda expecting it.
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By Johnny 1989
Munki Bhoy wrote:Impressive figures for the return of Red Dwarf on a digital channel -

I'm rather pleased for them, I hope this means another series is on the horizon or if not a few more specials :D
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By Munki Bhoy
dimtimjim wrote:Just picking up on this Dwarf thing....

I agree with previous comments, series 1-5 are great. Sure, 1 was a little sketchy to start off with, but from 2-5 the team (with added Kryten) gel'd together and the story ideas were, mostly, good. Series 6 had brief moments of brilliance. 7 and 8 were mainly pap. A poor re-hash of a golden oldie, that lost 90% of ties to the original. Who else thought the amazing computerised special effects just didn't suit the 'cheapness' laid out by the originals? Watch the fist few series on dvd, pay attention to the set and props and its amazing how many items you can identify. Basic household items glued and sprayed grey. Simple.

These new ones....

More of the same, really, IMO. Basic links to past Dwarf, odd funny moment, mostly drivel. Bit disappointed, but was kinda expecting it.

Did you ever see the digitally remastered versions of the earlier shows? Ridiculous. They did things like add a random digital scutter to scenes for no good reason! Horrible thing to do to a classic.

At least when they digitally altered the original series of Star Trek it was done with a bit of common sense.
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By Johnny 1989
For those of you who thought Red Dwarf - Back To Earth should have been a single extended episode:

from wrote:For now, though, we can confirm that - in, erm, best Blade Runner traditions - the DVD will include both the broadcast versions of the show and an official Director's Cut version which includes the story as a single feature-length special

How Dave should have broadcast it, however seeing as it got 2.6 Million viewers over Easter (on average) I can see why they split it up. However I think the feature length edition will probably improve the story somewhat :D
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By Yudster
Some people are enough to make me reconsider my thoughts on capital punishment.
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