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By Johnny 1989
No it's a noise *'s make when they're trying to get someones attention that they don't know the name of:


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By Johnny 1989
foot-loose wrote:That's spelt "Oi"!

Bloody *.

Ah, well I learnt how to spell that way via The Beano all those years back.

Bloody Jocks ;) :lol:
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By jocky85
Johnny 1989 wrote:
foot-loose wrote:That's spelt "Oi"!

Bloody *.

Ah, well I learnt how to spell that way via The Beano all those years back.

Bloody Jocks ;) :lol:

Hey I had nothing to do with it! :wink:
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By Munki Bhoy
Okay, so tonight was much better. To the point I was thinking "are we going to get series nine and ten" and "damn it I need to wait til tomorrow now!"

They just need slapped for showing this over three days and not as one 90 minute special. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow now.
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By Johnny 1989
jocky85 wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:
foot-loose wrote:That's spelt "Oi"!

Bloody *.

Ah, well I learnt how to spell that way via The Beano all those years back.

Bloody Jocks ;) :lol:

Hey I had nothing to do with it! :wink:


Munki Bhoy wrote:Okay, so tonight was much better. To the point I was thinking "are we going to get series nine and ten" and "damn it I need to wait til tomorrow now!"

They just need slapped for showing this over three days and not as one 90 minute special. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow now.

A lot of people have said this & I feel the same. I imagine Doug Naylor envisioned it as a full story/movie but Dave wanted it as a three parter.

I imagine that once it get released on DVD it will be a feature length version as well or instead of the episodic version it is currently being shown as.
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By Kaiser Chef
Munki Bhoy wrote:Okay, so tonight was much better. To the point I was thinking "are we going to get series nine and ten" and "damn it I need to wait til tomorrow now!"

They just need slapped for showing this over three days and not as one 90 minute special. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow now.

I wouldnt go as far as "much better". It was better though, just nowhere near as good as Red Dwarf should be. It has been a major disappointment so far and I really hope tonight's one can go some way to saving it.

Also, Dave should really work out how to go into the adverts a bit smoother. They really crashed into the adverts last night, I'm not sure Rimmer had even finished his line.
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By Console
I'm fairly certain he did.

I think the Special has been quite good so far - it's different to the old Red Dwarf, sure, but I don't think it's been a disappointment.
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By Zoot
Ok, i was out last night so only just got to watch last night episode, and -

WHAT THE *? What is with the whole 'Oh, it's all a TV series and we're not real...''? There were a few clever gags but i hated the whole concept, especially the 'lets read the back of the DVD box to see what we do next'.
I'm sorry, but if Red Dwarf didn't 'jump the shark' after series 8, they certainly did with these episodes, Big time.
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By Zoot
I've just had a thought - Think back to the episode 'Back to Reality' from series 5...
There was even a squid!!!!
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By C-Kay
Zoot wrote:I've just had a thought - Think back to the episode 'Back to Reality' from series 5...
There was even a squid!!!!

The Despair Squid. Possibly the best episode ever.

I've refrained from watching these new episodes, any comdey that makes a come back has always been disappointing. I have happy memories of the original show, i dont want that tarnished, and judging by reviews i've read, i made the right choice :)
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By Munki Bhoy
Sigh. Like Zoot I should have seen that coming earlier.

Three times as long as Back To Reality and 100 times worse. I feel cheated.
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By Zoot
Zoot wrote:I've just had a thought - Think back to the episode 'Back to Reality' from series 5...
There was even a squid!!!!

Ha! I'm very glad it ended like that I have to admit. I was a little worried back there.
I'm gonna watch them all again tomorrow before I decide on my opinion, but it has made m want to go see Blade Runner again.
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By Munki Bhoy
As if to illustrate the point further, they're now showing Back To Reality. Way to prove you 90 minutes was done much better in 30 minutes years ago...
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By Johnny 1989
I enjoyed that, it got better as it went along. Well done to all involved in my opinion :D

I really must get hold of a copy of Blade Runner, I've never seen it. 8O
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By Munki Bhoy
I take it back, this weekend was great. But only because I think I've convinced my girlfriend she might like Red Dwarf and that we should get the DVDs out to watch them.

Every day I geekify her a little more...
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By Andy B
Stop at season 4 though. No point after that.
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By Johnny 1989
Andy B wrote:Stop at season 4 though. No point after that.


Series 5 was the greatest of them all, after that it did start to go downhill a bit. I'm currently watching them all in order (up to Justice now) and so far it's been brilliant from start to end :D
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By Andy B
Alright. You can have Season 5 as well then. Mainly for Back to Reality.
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By Johnny 1989
Andy B wrote:Alright. You can have Season 5 as well then. Mainly for Back to Reality.

For me there isn't a single weak story in Season 5, Quarantine & The Inquisitor are my faves from that one, especially Quarantine with Rimmer in the Gingham dress with Mr Flibble :lol:
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