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By Zoot
This Easter Dave are playing 3 new episodes of Red Dwarf called 'Back to Earth' over easter with the first one playing tomorrow night. I've always loved Red dwarf but can't help but feel a little skeptical about this (I hated that last few series anyway). They've released a few teaser videos and pictures and it looks like there's going to be a Red Dwarf/ Coronation Street cross over at some point, but the thing that's struck me the most is -


There's a 6 minute preview too -
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By Yudster
The last three seasons of Red Dwarf were appalling, it lost everything that made it good. I won't be watching these.
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By jocky85
Suppose they've got to pick up Craig Charles from the taxi office!

Also, Thunderbird 2 anyone??
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By MK Chris
Old comedies that have been laid to rest are almost never good when they make a comeback. That said, I wasn't a fan of Red Dwarf in the first place (I've only watched a few episodes, but I just couldn't get into it - I couldn't tell you which series they were from, it's entirely possible they were from the later ones.)
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By AndyJ
I love Red Dawarf, but Mrs AndyJ doesn't. I think I will record them and watch it when she is out!

Fingers crossed its good, but I have a hunch I am going to be dissapointed.
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By Munki Bhoy
I'm going to watch this and hate it, I just know it. They should have chucked it after season 6. It wasn't quite as good as 5, but was still good enough.
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By Johnny 1989
Series II - Series VI were my favourites for me, with Series V being my favourite (Holoship, The Inquisitor, Terrorform, Quarantine, Demons & Angels and Back To Reality, not one story from that series is weak IMO).

I watch all of Series I back on Tuesday night 8O My word was it different to the following five series, if that had aired today a second series wouldn't have been commissioned. Although there's some great moments in Series I it does drag in places.

As for Series VII & VIII, they have their moments (Tikka To Ride & Stoke Me A Clipper were great from Series VII but the majority of that one wasn't as good as the previous five series) but they were patchy.

I'm really hoping Back To Earth will be great but I am prepared for it to be average & not up to Series V standards, however I'll probably be too excited watching it to notice it's faults anyway :D
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By Zoot
I love the first series of Dwarf but I think my all time favourite series is the second one because it is genuinely funny with no need for special effect etc. I agree that the program really started to go down hill from the 7th series and I hated the 8th series - the whole basic concept of Red Dwarf was missing, it was no longer ' the last human alive deserted lightyears away in space with the utter dregs of humanity as company'. The ship was back, the entire crew (including Kochanski) were alive and Lister was no longer the last human. Rimmer wasn't even dead for smegs sake ;-)!

I am looking forward to the new episodes though.
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By Console
I like pretty much all of Red Dwarf - after Rimmer left in series seven it did go downhill a bit, but I thought series VIII was a definite improvement over it and have some very funny moments. I am quite looking forward to the special, and have been ever since I heard the announcement on Llewellyn's vlog.
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By Munki Bhoy
Tikka To Ride was brilliant if only for it having the best conspiracy theory for the JFK shooting ever.
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By Zoot
Well I have to admit, I really enjoyed that. One question though - where was Holly???
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By Yudster
See I preferred Holly when she was a man.
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By Nicola_Red
I'm watching's...okay I s'pose. I was never a huge fan tho - my bro was, I just kinda saw it cos we lived in the same house and he seemed to be watching it every single frickin' day at one time. I also wondered were Holly was actually.
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By Zoot
Yudster wrote:See I preferred Holly when she was a man.

I agree 1000%
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By Console
Zoot wrote:Well I have to admit, I really enjoyed that.

I thought it was good, too - definitely a good start.

Zoot wrote:One question though - where was Holly???

They did say something about the main computer being down due to Lister leaving a bath overflowing.
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By Munki Bhoy
So they not explaining how we got to here from the end of series 8 then? Last we saw Red Dwarf was melting, Rimmer was alive but trapped and on his own.

That aside, I was bored. Worst episode I've ever seen. Splitting it into three probably hasn't helped as it looked like it might be getting somewhere just as they stopped.

We'll see what tomorrow brings but so far I'm not impressed at all.
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By Console
Munki Bhoy wrote:So they not explaining how we got to here from the end of series 8 then? Last we saw Red Dwarf was melting, Rimmer was alive but trapped and on his own.

Well, it could be argued that they're not in their original dimension - that Kryten, Lister, Kochanski and The Cat were all safe in the mirror universe, from where they may have tried to get back and ended up in a similar, but not identical, universe; Rimmer wasn't with them, so Holly (before being taken offline) brought Rimmer back as a Hologram (again).
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By Munki Bhoy
Console wrote:
Munki Bhoy wrote:So they not explaining how we got to here from the end of series 8 then? Last we saw Red Dwarf was melting, Rimmer was alive but trapped and on his own.

Well, it could be argued that they're not in their original dimension - that Kryten, Lister, Kochanski and The Cat were all safe in the mirror universe, from where they may have tried to get back and ended up in a similar, but not identical, universe; Rimmer wasn't with them, so Holly (before being taken offline) brought Rimmer back as a Hologram (again).

Sounds reasonable. And more entertaining than that half hour I just watched.
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By Johnny 1989
Munki Bhoy wrote:
Console wrote:
Munki Bhoy wrote:So they not explaining how we got to here from the end of series 8 then? Last we saw Red Dwarf was melting, Rimmer was alive but trapped and on his own.

Well, it could be argued that they're not in their original dimension - that Kryten, Lister, Kochanski and The Cat were all safe in the mirror universe, from where they may have tried to get back and ended up in a similar, but not identical, universe; Rimmer wasn't with them, so Holly (before being taken offline) brought Rimmer back as a Hologram (again).

Sounds reasonable. And more entertaining than that half hour I just watched.

Ah it weren't that bad, I actually rather enjoyed it. Ok so it wasn't a master piece but I found it enjoyable enough. Apparently it gets better as it goes on.
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By S4B
I got bored of Red Dwarf after about series 4 - loved it up until then. I too preferred Holly as a man, that female Holly did my head in. Let me know if it gets brilliant and I might give it a go.
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By Johnny 1989
Oih, oih, oih! Nothing wrong with the female Holly I prefered her to the male one, then again Polymorth was the first story I saw.
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By Yudster
No, seals go "Arkh!!" I know they do, I have heard them.
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