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By S4B
What are your predictions for the new year?

Such as....

Who will die? - celeb wise

Who will win the league of any sporting things you follow?

What will happen in your life?

What will happen politically?

etc, etc, etc
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By MK Chris
Deaths... Margaret Thatcher (or is that wishful thinking? You never know.) I'd like to say Bernie Ecclestone too, but there again, that's just wishful thinking.
Sport... well, my mum's team will win their division; my team will be mid-table (of the division above by the way!). Felipe Massa to win the F1 Championship. Rafa Nadal will win Wimbledon and the French and possibly one of the hard court slams. It's not beyond Andy Murray to win one this year either, either the Australian or the US.
Me... who knows, hopefully I'll still be living in the same place by the end of the year though.
Politics... when are we due an election? I don't think it's this year, but if it is, Cameron will more than likely be running the country.
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By Munki Bhoy
I haven't the faintest idea. Usually there's something I could predict but there's a lot of uncertainty. What difference will Obama make and where does the economy go from here are probably the big two questions for next year. Hopefully they will be good answers.

Sport - can Liverpool finally do it? I'd like to think so. Can Villa (or someone else) break the big four monopoly on Champions League spots? I'd love it if they did. Will it be four in a row in Scotland? Hopefully! Will Andy Murday win a slam? Dunno, not next year I think. Will Lewis make it two? Will F1 still exist in this economic climate might be the bigger question. Will the home nations qualify for South Africa 2010. Just England I think sadly.

I won't predict deaths, that's just morbid.

In my life I'm not predicting much at all. Other people in my family have other things to deal with next year so I'll take a quiet life thanks. Especially if it means I still have a job. No threat there at the moment, but you never know. I'll just take it one day at a time for now.
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By MK Chris
Does anyone actually watch Eastenders any more?
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By Andy B
My predictions are thus:

Terrorism will continue
There will be a natural disaster of some sort
A plane or a train will crash or possibly a boat might sink
Labour Politicians will continually anounce that the economy is getting better.
Richard Branson will be named supreme ruler of all mankind.
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By ladbroke
Andy B wrote:
Richard Branson will be named supreme ruler of all mankind.

This, quite possibly, would be a good thing :)