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By Andy B
Sounds too much like Coffee to me.

Don't get too many people called Roger these days.
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By ladbroke
Andy B wrote:Sounds too much like Coffee to me.

Don't get too many people called Roger these days.

Sunny So Cal wrote:I love Maxwell. That's darling.

Only called him it because with my last name he kind of sounds like a fictional American newsreader! Oh and the fact I liked the name obviously!
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By Sunny So Cal
Andy B wrote:Don't get too many people called Roger these days.

I named one of the main characters in my book 'Roger' -- he's a twat. Now whenever I see that name I think 'twat'. That said, it is a nice name and 'Roger Harris' sounds lovely.
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By catherine
Is it sad that I already have my future babies names?

Amelia Asunción for a girl.
Brenden Francis for a boy.
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By Andy B
I've always thought Chlamydia was a nice name for a girl.......
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By Yudster
Andy B wrote:I've always thought Chlamydia was a nice name for a girl.......

Well Candida is a relatively common name given to girls - and thats just as bad.
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By Sunny So Cal
Oh good God, how did Chris's congratulatory baby thread turn into STDs and yeast? Let's at least attempt some sense of propriety and decorum in this thread.

S4B wrote:It's a great book though!

Thank you.
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By ladbroke
How about Rolf, or Keith for a boy!

Seriously though Harry would be cool with that surname.
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By Andy B
I'm thinking it won't be called Chris Dave Dome Aled Matt Harris although Rachel Carrie Sara Harris has quite a nice ring to it.........
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By rustybike
Sunny So Cal wrote:
Chris wrote:How can there be more boys born in 2006 called 'Baby' than 'Desmond'?

How can there be any boys named 'Baby'? 'Baby' is just lazy. That's ridiculous. No thought was put in that. I can see one mother coming up with 'Baby', perhaps still in her drug-induced, I'm-so-exhausted state but surely when she woke up the following morning she would have gone,"Oh, damn!" and changed it. But more than one person?! Sheer laziness.

I like some of the names you don't hear anymore - like Sam, Max or Henry.

I used to go to school with a girl called Princess - which was then shorted to Prinny. Yes, her parents were pikey's.

I like Max. I'm also guessing 21 December.

Congratulations Mr. Harris.
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By MK Chris
I went to school with a girl called Tuesday and she had a sister called Heaven.
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By Boboff
I went to school with a girl called kerrie and her sister called Joe.


they went on a tuesday as well.
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By ladbroke
I went to school with someone called Mark Peter George Valentine Miltiadous. He was born on 14 Feb, hence valentine. Like thats the only bit that needs explaining!
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By Yudster
I was genuinely at school with a lad called Michael Hunt, and he was usually known as Mike. And to my knowledge, between the ages of 4 and 16, which was the period when I knew him, not one person took the piss out of his name in the now apparently obvious way. And it never occurred to me either.

My father in law's middle name is Valentine - I have no idea why though. I quite like it - but only as a middle name. Baby Yudster has a slightly unusual middle name, but I love it.
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By Zoot
My Sisters middle name is Woolven, which is my mothers Maiden lane. I've always been jealous that it wasn't given to me too.
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By Zoot
Maiden Lane??????
I meant name obviously...
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By MK Chris
My sister's middle names are Mary May, which I quite like.. Mary on its own, no - but somehow, the 'May' part makes it nice. I guess I'm just used to Lianne Mary May now.

My brother is Tom Richard Frederick James - Richard because my mum just liked it, Frederick because we had an Uncle Fred who died just before he was born and James because his birthday is on the same day as mum's cousin James. I have one middle name, but I hate it.
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By Zoot
My Mrs middle name is Louise and her family and I call her Telly-Lou. I love that.
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By Yudster
Well, if thats the due date, and she isn't booked in for a C-section, well, if you're lucky, you could have a Christmas Day baby, first ones are usually a bit late. My daughter was due on Christmas Eve, and she was born on Boxing day. Christmas babies are great.
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By Andy B
I was due on Xmas eve and was born on Xmas day. I was a second born though. Being late is kind of the story of my life though!
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