Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Zoot
December 17th
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By Boboff
Of course she is, it's Yudster, I would forget what the Doctor says in any event and plan for the 15th.
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By S4B
Now this thread confused me! I didn't remember starting it but oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bless you Mr Harris, now all your problems really begin. I guess we'll see less of you about here soon!

*Considers repeating all the negative sides of parenthood but decides against it*

Congratulations Chris - an heir to the Moyles Web empire is what is needed. We expect pics and all the details (without the gore) once the happy event takes place!

Have you thought of names? S4B is nice for a girl! ;) Failing that I've never met a horrible Anna!
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By foot-loose
There was a girl in my class called Anna. She vomited frequently for no apparent reason and no warning was given.

Thats what I think of when I hear "Anna". Sorry S4.
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By S4B
hmph! I should rid you of that image, I'll try and think of a new one for you!
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By foot-loose
She had a bucket of sawdust following her about everywhere.

It was really unpleasant. (Oh, and I think she was the daughter of a famous footballer) ((in fact, I know she was))
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By S4B
That is gross, sounds like something out of peanuts.

Ok I'll remove Anna from the table what other names can we come up with to aid Mr Harris in his parental responsibility?

When I was expecting my twins I said they were to be called Ichabod and Hypolytes justto annoy my father in law - my dad was made up though, he likes anything classical.
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By foot-loose
I think "God" is just as good a name for a child as it is for a dog.

"I'm just taking God to nursery."
"God needs his / her nappy changed."
"I'm sorry I crashed the car officer but God has been screaming at me the whole way home! He just went to sleep when you got here!"
"... listen, I would love to chat, but I've got to get to the church. They are christening God in half an hour."

Oh this could keep me entertained for hours.
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By S4B
You are easily amused though.
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By foot-loose
"Gods in the other room watching Tellytubbies."
"So what did you do today?" "Oh, me and God were down at the pond, feeding the ducks."

I tell thee - entertained for hours and hours and hours.
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By Andy B
Andrew is a great name. You can be an Andrew when you're at work and an Andy down the pub. It's a very flexible name.
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By Andy B
Andi McDowell..........Andrea......someone or other?
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By foot-loose
Which is a different name from Andrew. And if you EVER spell your name 'Andi', you shall be slapped and de-bawsed.
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By Andy B
Please don't look at my email address then.....I was young and impressionable and a bit of a twat.
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By Chris
I've got a list of the top 2000 names in the UK from the National Statistics office (hoping for some inspiration).

1409: Baby
1876: Desmond

How can there be more boys born in 2006 called 'Baby' than 'Desmond'?
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By Yudster
Do you know the sex of the baby, or should we come up with suggestions for either possibility?

And ignore anything S4B says about parenthood - to do otherwise would be akin to taking geography lessons from Sarah Palin.
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By ladbroke
Adolf is a name thats gone out of fashion........

©Ricky Gervais!
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By Boboff
Yudster wrote:And ignore anything S4B says about parenthood - to do otherwise would be akin to taking geography lessons from Sarah Palin.

I get it, that's a joke isn't it?
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By Yudster
No, I'm absolutely serious.
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By Sunny So Cal
Chris wrote:How can there be more boys born in 2006 called 'Baby' than 'Desmond'?

How can there be any boys named 'Baby'? 'Baby' is just lazy. That's ridiculous. No thought was put in that. I can see one mother coming up with 'Baby', perhaps still in her drug-induced, I'm-so-exhausted state but surely when she woke up the following morning she would have gone,"Oh, damn!" and changed it. But more than one person?! Sheer laziness.

I like some of the names you don't hear anymore - like Sam, Max or Henry.
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By ladbroke
Good choice Sunny, Max is my sons name! (Maxwell, not Maximilian)
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By Sunny So Cal
I love Maxwell. That's darling.
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