Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By S4B
Chris wrote:Behave (everyone).

Oooh it's like you're our daddy!
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By Andy B
Well done Mr H. Braver man than me. Unless that's just some random who's sueing you for maintenance.
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By Yudster
Wow - its interesting how much you can tell about a person from a picture of just their middle section. For instance - your lady has a fabulous figure, lovely legs, and great dress sense. I think she might be pregnant though.

All the best to you both - keep us informed eh?
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By ladbroke
Whilst being flipant in my earlier post, I probably should've said many congratulations! I found the first two years the worst! Once you can start having little conversations, and they get out of nappies, the real joy begins. It's great :)
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By MK Chris
That's not like you Mr Harris to impart information about your private life. I'm not sure a bunch of randoms from the interweb congratulating you means a hell of a lot, but congratulations anyway.. as Yudwuk says, let us know when it all happens.

foot-loose wrote:Oh, and cheers for the MSPaint arrow, I may have not known where to look otherwise. 8)

I genuinely didn't even notice that until I read your post, I had to go back and check.
Topher wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Oh, and cheers for the MSPaint arrow, I may have not known where to look otherwise. 8)

I genuinely didn't even notice that until I read your post, I had to go back and check.

Ha, you are so bad about noticing details in pictures! That one was way more obvious than some of your other misses! Tut tut.

Perhaps Console could make a specific thread and take Chris' announcement and the congratulations and transfer them over. That way there's a dedicated place for all the well wishes when Baby Harris arrives.
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By kendra k
My tiny brain can't handle the mismatched subject: Fact!

Congratulations Mr. Harris! I though the scarf was weird hair at first, but stylish either way.
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By Zoot
Congratulations Mr Harris, can't be long to go now by the look of it, another month and a bit?
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By catherine
Shall we play guess the due date? I'm going with November 27th...
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By Yudster
I think there might be a little bit more to go, she looks a tiny woman and the bump is very neat - I'm going to say December 15th. But I'm crap at this, and I always grow to the size of a small continent when I'm pregnant.
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By catherine
She looks massive to me, I thought it might have been twins at first. If you get that big with just one baby I might pass on the starting a family thing.
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