Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Jacqueline
Andy B wrote:Didn't know that Blitzball was in 9 I thought it first appeared in 10. Shows how little I know. And the guy from 10 doesn't really exist. He was a creation of the pyrefly things or something like that. I always have trouble following the plot of FF games. Still not finished 12 yet. I wanna get all the Espers and defeat that bloody huge dragon thingy in the caves.

We were talking about 9 and 10, blitzball is in 10, and the non existing bloke I was talking about is in 9
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By Andy B
There's also a non existant bloke in 10 as well. Never played 9. Only played 7, 10, 10-2 and 12. 7 was my fav though.
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By MK Chris
Yudster wrote:Or someone from UM.

I can't comment on that, but she has been here (albeit mainly dormant) for a while. She originally had a login called 'Baby Bear' and posted in every thread really pointlessly and started loads of pointless threads (we are seriously talking 10 times worse than She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Mentioned; although, ironically, she started probably the most fiercely debated thread in the history of the board) and then registered under 'Jacqui' (now renamed 'Jacqueline' and pretended to be two different people.)
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By S4B
Topher wrote:(we are seriously talking 10 times worse than She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Mentioned; although, ironically, she started probably the most fiercely debated thread in the history of the board)

What thread is that!?
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By MK Chris
It was deleted I think.
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By Yudster
Jacqueline wrote:7 is everyone's favourite-

Not mine - I don't care how amazing the story is (supposedly), I simply can't look at those awful blocky graphics.

Topher wrote:
Yudster wrote:Or someone from UM.

I can't comment on that, but she has been here (albeit mainly dormant) for a while. She originally had a login called 'Baby Bear' and posted in every thread really pointlessly and started loads of pointless threads (we are seriously talking 10 times worse than She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Mentioned; although, ironically, she started probably the most fiercely debated thread in the history of the board) and then registered under 'Jacqui' (now renamed 'Jacqueline' and pretended to be two different people.)

Wow! I was merely speculating! Iawait developments with interest - things could be looking up around here.....
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By Yudster
Oh - I vaguely remember that sig. So who did she pretend to be when she had two accounts running at once?
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By MK Chris
She just pretended to be two people, I can't remember if she stated a proper name for 'Baby Bear'; they were supposedly 'friends', but they seemed to argue a lot.
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By Yudster
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By Yudster
Yes, but can I remember what I had for breakfast.....?
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By S4B
Oh shush Foots, no I'm not! I was genuinely impressed with the fact Yuds has a better memory than I do, it was NOT a false Voldemort platitude!
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By Yudster
Pssst - i think he is referring to the contraction of my username to "Yuds"...........only one person used to do that, and they were dark times best forgotten......
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By S4B
I have used it forever too! Sorry Foots if that is the case but honestly if you look back you will see I have also always done that. I promise not to shorten it anymore - as long as I remember........ my memory is not what it was.
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By MK Chris
Yudster wrote:Pssst - i think he is referring to the contraction of my username to "Yuds"...........only one person used to do that, and they were dark times best forgotten......

It's the hissy fit you threw when someone called you 'Yud Yud' that used to make me laugh.
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By Yudster
Topher wrote:It's the hissy fit you threw when someone called you 'Yud Yud' that used to make me laugh.

See now, how ironic is it that I have absolutely NO recollection of what you are talking about?!
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By Yudster
Oh come on, only the third one could even come close to being described as a "hissy fit" - and that's pretty marginal! But I remember now, so thanks!