Read music notation - yes
Use chopsticks - god no
Hold your breath for longer than 30 seconds - yes
Swim - easily
Bake bread without looking at a recipe - nope
Down a pint in less than 10 seconds - depends wat it is
Eat a hot curry - heat hot or chemically hot?? but yes to both
knit - nope
Change a nappy - yea
Ride a motorbike - yup got one
Play a musical instrument - yes four
Skate board - used ot be able to
Gut a fish - yes
Cook a roast dinner - i cant even cook a pizza
Sing - not well
Recite all of the lyrics to the Theme tune to 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air' - totally!
Recite all of the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody - not all of them
Kick higher than your head - never tried it
Crack your knuckles - all the time
Drive a car - god no
Put somebody into the recovery position- indeed i can
Curl your tongue - yes
Get your foot behind your head- yes but it hurts alot
Whistle - yes in three different ways.