- Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:15 pm
Firstly this should be posted in the Sound Requests section but as you're new we'll let that slide. Secondly it was when they were talking to Aaasaaandi Peters about being on Gladiator then they rang the head of SKY TV programing Richard Woolfe (no relation to actual Wolf or Virginia) about Dom doing the Voiceover for it. It was about three weeks ago now and if I remembr rightly was on one of the podcasts so you may have luck finding it that way.
The Andyctionary wrote:Andy B: Very lazy, flirtatious person with wonderful hair who does not resemble prince charming. Very sarcastic so if something he posts seems stupid it's probably deliberate. Aspirations of global dictatorship so you'll probably first against the wall come the revolution.