Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Andy B
Not only did the mighty Pompey have all the decisions their way and unfairly beat Man U out of the cup, not only did Barnsley hammer Chelases out of the cup but my mate bought four tickets to V festival in Chelmsford and has said I can have one.

Me and my 3 bestest buddies going to V for a weekend of excess! Oh and some music too!
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By kendra k

today wasn't bad! we drove to the outlet malls to get mr kendra k some new clothes and shoes for work. (he starts on easter monday.) he actually bought new shoes for the first time in 3 years. then we tossed the american football around and walked to the store. it reminded me that this time last year i was hunkering down for surgery and chemo and missing out on the lovely weather. hopefully not this year.
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By Yudster
Beadle Poke is making me smile today. Laugh like a nutter, actually.
By Ezza
The guinea pig at school was making me smile. She get making noises and my friend was trying to train her to bite white people. It didn't work though.
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By Yudster
Guinea pigs make the cutest noises though. Kendra, you need to get a new guinea pig, I really miss the pictures of poor Maude (RIP Maude).
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By Vivienne
I smell of peaches today (my new shower gel), and the sun is partially shining.. the calm before the storms we are about to get apparently as they arrive from England.
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By Andy B
I bought envelopes for Viv + Lalottie's presents to get stamps.....
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By MK Chris
Christ, it takes you almost as long as it does me to get things done.
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By Vivienne
Andy B wrote:I bought envelopes for Viv + Lalottie's presents to get stamps.....

thanx a lot, Andy B..:-) Maybe the mug will arrive sometime this Century?
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By Yudster
Thanks for the reminder, I need to get kendra's stuff sent off.........
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By kendra k
Yudster wrote:Guinea pigs make the cutest noises though. Kendra, you need to get a new guinea pig, I really miss the pictures of poor Maude (RIP Maude).

yesterday, mr kendra k asked our landlord if we could get a guinea pig. (maude was contraband.) the landlord said probably, but he needs to double check with the co-owners. i guess we're staying for a few years, so he might say yes. if things go my way, i'll have two piggies by may.

i actually sent out packages yesterday, and then last night my 13 year old cousin sent me an insane letter that totally made my day. i had to write her back and send her some cds for her family's road trip which ruins easter, but i hope they like it. kids love the housemartins.
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By Andy B
I have a fish called Shark Bait who is really
clingy. She loves human contact but she is always waiting for me in the same spot when I get home from work and follows me around the room like a little lost puppy!

Viv- any more of your cheek and your present will soon become a paperweight for all the many importnant papers I have! I demand respect and adulation if possible. Behave or
you shall get nothing!
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By foot-loose
I went and got me a new motor last week - it's making me smile.






Drove it up north at the weekend there (about 300 miles each way) so its been given a pretty hot road test. No complaints at all!
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By MK Chris
Excrement foot-loose, that looks like a right nice little motor!

Childish though it is, I am laughing at someone's avatar on another forum:
Carrots.jpg (4.33 KiB) Viewed 5176 times
I agree although those carrots are funny. That's a slick auto, Footsy. It's nearly the same color as my car! Love it.

Is the fellow in the background wearing a backwards ball cap??? 8O
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