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Will you be buying the Doug Walker track?

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By GarethH
I bought it 'cos I know Doug and the guy who made the original video!

And also because I think it's a great song, and that he really deserves to make it big after gigging for years, and I also want to see Chris win against the playlist police!
By unclesirbobby
No - because its just average

Its not that great a story either. Its only made great because chris is daft enough to back doiug walker so much. Loads of bands will try anything to get heard. Doug walker was lucky enough to get heard. Thosands do not even get heard. Its just hard luck. He had his chance and the song is only really very average
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By Sunny So Cal
I like the song and I would buy it but it will probably never make it to the U.S. iTunes.
I also like the story and I don't believe Chris is "daft" for doing any of what he's done/said for the fellow.
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By Sunny So Cal
I don't know. I hope he will. I think he'd stand a better chance if he had a strong single lined up behind this one. It just seems that a lot of the songs I like never come here and I end up having my friends in the UK send them to me.
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I downloaded. Woo.

I like this song because its unique as it really kicks in - thats the bit for me that sells it. But most of all I wanna see Radio1 playlist people red-faced. Underdogs = Win.
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By Yudster
I think the "football chant" opening lets it down to be honest.
By Zenon
I would download it if I had an MP3 player which I don't have yet.
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By Nicola_Red
I won't, cos I don't like it and to be honest I never buy music via download anyway. I wouldn't say Chris is daft for promoting it, but it did surprise me cos I would have expected him to take the cd off the guy and then take it into the studio and play frisbee with it, or something. I guess he's mellowed in his old age!