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By Vivienne
Do you like/believe in power naps during the day?

Edith B. was discussing this on Friday, as it seems a study has shown that just a 6-minute snooze can significantly improve memory.

Even Einstein power-napped (according to a listener). He snoozed with a coin in his hand, which used to drop onto the floor after 3 minutes, woke him up, and he was once again re-vitalised!!

On Friday, R1 decided to have a national 6-minute power nap. An interesting idea, except for one thing: the next time, it may be more useful to have nice, soothing ballads for the 6 minutes, rather than what pretty much amounted to a rock concert!!
By Ballbag
Viv, you ever thought of setting up an or perhaps a

Then you could post all of these questions in there.
By wurzel
Vivienne wrote:Even Einstein power-napped (according to a listener). He snoozed with a coin in his hand, which used to drop onto the floor after 3 minutes, woke him up, and he was once again re-vitalised!!

Wasnt it not after 6 minutes it dropped on the floor!?
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By Vivienne
No, Wurz, apparently for Einstein, he was OK again after 3 mins. From 7 minutes onward, it seems a person goes into Phase II of sleep, rather than just stopping at Phase I (the six-minute thing). :-)
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By Yudster
I know people who do this, apparently 20 minutes is the optimum time for most people, after that you go into a deeper sleep and if you then wake up before that's finished naturally, you feel like seven kinds of shit. Some people swear by it, but the one thing I can't understand about it is - just because you say "ok, I'm going to sleep now for 20 minutes" (or whatever) - how do you then just drop off immediately on demand? I certainly couldn't.
By wurzel
Vivienne wrote:No, Wurz, apparently for Einstein, he was OK again after 3 mins. From 7 minutes onward, it seems a person goes into Phase II of sleep, rather than just stopping at Phase I (the six-minute thing). :-)

Well im fairly sure tha ti heard them say it was after 6 minutes but still, your right again arent you.
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By Vivienne
I'm not necessary "right", no.. but they did say on the radio 6 minutes, but a listener texted in to say Einstein was only 3.
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By Console
Yudster wrote:I'm going to sleep now for 20 minutes" (or whatever) - how do you then just drop off immediately on demand? I certainly couldn't.

I tried doing a polyphasic sleep schedule once, 20-25 mins of sleep every four hours - after a while, you can fall to sleep pretty quickly. It was quite an interesting experiment, although I found that my ability to think was severely reduced so I stopped it - I can live with sleeping four more hours a day.
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By Vivienne
I love that word, Cons: polyphasic.
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By MK Chris
I don't have time to sleep in the day. I work, then I play table tennis, swim or go to the pub.
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By Vivienne
I just plain don't like to do it. I texted this in to Edith. I just keep going, and sleep at night.