Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Chris
I seriously just got emailed this:

My name is PJ Murphy. I recently heard about the Marilyn Monroe mix up
with a Madonna picture in Las Vegas. I'm interested because I have a
photograph of Marilyn Monroe that my father took while in Korea during the
Korean War. She's posing in fatigues in front of of some barracks while
doing a tour with lord-knows-who. It is an actual photo however.

Is there value to this? I'm sure it would need authentification, etc. but
I'm curious.

Please Respond and Very Best Regards
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By MK Chris
Just think how funny it'd be to play along with it...
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By Andy B
He's also an expert on cars as well apparently.......
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By MK Chris
It's a BBC News article. It was linked to from the BBC News home page.

I glazed over it prior to Bonanzoid posting this thread, but I didn't notice his name was Chris Harris.
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By Nicola_Red
I read this this morning and it was hilarious. When you look at the pic, it's obvious it's Madonna.