Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By MK Chris
Then I apologise. In all fairness the people who have used the word (and I'm not distancing myself from the fact that I've been the main one here, because I know I have been) could not have known that.
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By S4B
I know they couldn't! I've asked Console to remove that post by the way, I really wish I hadn't told you all. Sorry.
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By S4B
Yeah ok I know that Chris. It's more to do with the fact it'll make the others uncomfortable than I don't want people to know! It's not adirty secret it's just a bit of a conversation stopper. Can you delete it please as Console isn't about?

Maybe the other lesson is that when people say they don't like something other people should heed what they say if they don't want to upset them!
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By MK Chris
In my opinion, a quick PM to myself and others involved saying something along the lines of "I would appreciate it if you didn't use that word, it's a personal thing that I don't want to go into" would have done it.

I understand the thing about being asked to stop, perhaps I should have seen the signs sooner, but it is difficult to tell when people are being sincere on here sometimes.

It's not the first time I've put my foot in it and it won't be the last. I'm notorious for it round here. But I do apologise.
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By foot-loose
I second the apologies, S4B. Twas all meant in good spirit. As Topher said, a quiet word would have sorted the whole thing though.

Does this mean I need to find something else to wind you up about now...?
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By Boboff
What ?

What word ? the B one or the C one, personally I am not that impressed with either.
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By S4B
foot-loose wrote:
Does this mean I need to find something else to wind you up about now...?

I'm sure you'll find something! You always have the constant age thing to fall back on though in the meantime ;)

By Ezza
You're ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold :)
By Ezza
Haha. Thats quite a good comeback. I am impressed.
By Ezza
Yeah, but you will always be older than us, and so to us will always be oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold :D
By Ezza
Then you will definately always be so much older than me!
By Ezza
I am living :) pissed off but living all the same.
By Jono
Eastenders, tonight.

Shriley to Heather: "you can't let that bint walk all over you"
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By MK Chris
Does anyone still watch EastEnders?
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By Yudster
Jono does it seems. Although apparently (so I heard on the Scott Mills show yesterday) he has never seen a James Bond movie in his life.
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By MK Chris
I actually can lay claim to that too. There have always been films on I would rather see, though I may watch one soon; my sister's other half has a few on DVD, so I may borrow a couple.
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By Yudster
Bear in mind, some are much better than others. Indeed some are amongst the worst films ever made I think. Its a bit like Dr Who and Star Trek - people are nostalgic about the originals, but actually they were rubbish if you look back, and the contemporary versions are a billion times better. But as a general rule of thumb, avoid anything with Roger Moore in it. And not just because he nearly ran me over once (just thought I'd mention that again.....). The Sean Connery ones are better even though they are older and the procuction values are a bit iffy on some of them, but the much newer ones are easily the best.
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By Andy B
Not true, I was flicking through the movie channels on Sunday and found the Second Stark Trek Film was was great!

Can't remember it's name though..

Wrath of someone or other, if only I could remember who it was?
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By Console
Yudster wrote:the much newer ones are easily the best.

The theme songs aren't as good in the new ones - I generally find them to be the best bit of any James Bond film. That's not to say that I dislike the films, most of them are good. The latest one, Casino Royale, has probably been the best so far. If you wanted to start somewhere, starting with that one would be a good idea.