- Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:54 pm
1. 5ft 11in tall. - nah, I like taller. six foot plus is good.
2. Good looking - doesn't this go without saying?
3. 12.5st - dunno. it never occurs to me what a bloke might weigh. I don't want someone who can't get out of bed without the aid of a lifting device, but Moyles-cuddly is fine.
4. Earn more than ᆲ40,000 that would be nice, but i don't care that much. I've never gone out with anyone who earns that much, in fact i don't think I even know anyone that does!
5. Blue eyes Don't mind. I've fancied boys with all colour eyes in the past.
6. Dark brown short hair again, don't mind. I always went for blondes in the past but I've fancied brunettes too. I do like long hair on a man as well.
7. Have a BA degree It's nice if a man is intelligent, but that doesn't necessarily come from a degree. My ex had no qualifications beyond GCSEs and was probably more intelligent than me.
8. Never been married Yep, I'll agree with that!
9. No children Yep, again that's pretty much essential to me.
10. Three previous serious relationships Don't care.
11. Medium build Surely that's the same as the weight thing?
12. Clean shaven Some men look better clean shaven. others look better with stubble.
13. Drive silver merc Haha! If they can drive at all that's an advantage!
14. Enjoys the cinema I'm not big on cinema so I don't care about that.
15. Likes eating out I guess...not that bothered.
16, Les than 6 sexual partners In whose universe do blokes over 21 have fewer than 6 partners? I don't care how many they've had.
17. Own a ᆲ400,000 home Hohohoho. I've never been out with anyone who owns so much as a garden shed.
18. Non smoker Yeah, I guess...but it's not a dealbreaker.
19. Dislikes football Don't care that much...
20. Likes pets it helps if they get on with my pet rats, but it's not essential.
Bas wrote:She's the Tina Daheley of chrismoyles.net
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