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By Yudster
Console's bot has a lot going for it and clearly deserves all the praise it gets.
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By Yudster
There must be a joke in there somewhere about Console talking out of his arse, but I've been sidetracked from finding it by the potential jokes about Viv having trouble having conversations with it.
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By Vivienne
No, it's just I know it's an automatic thing, and I don't really like that. It's quite spooky really, if you sit and think about it.
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By Andy B
What's so spooky about Console's bot having an independant life of it's own (well on here anyway)
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By Vivienne
I don't know really. It just feels like it's going to pounce any second somehow. It was composing a private message a few weeks ago, and God knows what was in that.
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By Console
I swear I explained the PM thing; that was Chris testing out a few things. And it won't 'pounce' at any second, it checks for new clips at 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00.
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By Vivienne
Yes, you're right, you did say Chris was testing things. You didn't say what tho'. But it's none of my business.

I just have this mad idea somehow that I'm gonna wake up one night, and Alice is gonna have written her name on the frost on my bedroom window.
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By MK Chris
Foot-loose: if you ever learn of Viv's address, you must do this.

Viv, you're paranoid, it's a script. It can't write things on your window.
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By Vivienne
I know it sounds a bit mad, but I just could picture this happening. And I'm convinced as well that the "bots" when you view "on-line" are secret spies, watching members.
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By MK Chris
No, that's how (most of the leading) search engines work; they follow links to different pages all over t'internet and index them in their databases. In order to do this, they must visit the page, which means they will show up in any sites that have online lists, as anyone else does.
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By Andy B
It all seems very Matrixy to me...does that make Console The Architecht?
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By Andy B
Or someone who'd just bought her presents (note the plural) and needed her address to send it up to her........
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By Sunny So Cal
Topher wrote:Foot-loose: if you ever learn of Viv's address, you must do this.

Viv, you're paranoid, it's a script. It can't write things on your window.

Without a doubt, this suggestion is the funniest thing I've read in a good week or so. Brilliant, Toph.