- Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:40 pm
It'll have been morphine. I've had a shot of that after most of my operations. They only give out diamorphine to people who are really, really sick cos it's so easy to create a dependency, which is then harder to recover from than the original illness! Obviously that's not an issue when the person is very unlikely to recover full stop.
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Topher wrote:I was given morphine (or diamorphine, one of the two) as a pain killer when I burnt my nads.
It'll have been morphine. I've had a shot of that after most of my operations. They only give out diamorphine to people who are really, really sick cos it's so easy to create a dependency, which is then harder to recover from than the original illness! Obviously that's not an issue when the person is very unlikely to recover full stop.
Bas wrote:She's the Tina Daheley of chrismoyles.net
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