The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Ballbag
It's annoyed me so much I'm posting poste-work.

What an absolute load of guff.... I thought the acting on Laura's Diary was wooden, but this really takes the biscuit.

Worst....... TV...... ever.

No wonder Moyles didn't involve himself in it.


(off for a wee wee now, ta da)
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By S4B
I think it's really dull so far. It's quite funny from a reaction point of view but Yvette is just annoying me!
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By Console
I haven't watched it (and to be honest I'm not likely too), but I can imagine it would be pretty dull. I took a glimpse at the Emmerdale (sp?) one a few weeks back (Aled suggested I watch it, I can't remember why); it was the dullest ten minutes of TV I had seen in a long, long time. Is the point of the show really just about people making fools of themselves (under the guise of being scared of ghosts)? If that is the case then I really can't see what the fuss is about, but if I've missed something I'd be grateful if someone would point it out.
By GruntMitchell
Never seen this before but it is utter tripe. It's so fake that it's unfunny - well the fake comment is stating the obvious as it's all entertainment anyway. I just find it incredibly dull, and I normally like things like this. Mocking the 'ghosts', I mean come on! Want a scare? Watch GhostWatch - - That was scary back in the day and still is even now, it shows how dumbed down this show is compared to the old BBC shows.

Lastly, there's adverts every 10mins :/ The only shows I watch on TV are Top Gear, Dr.Who and Torchwood and that's all. The constant ad breaks are pathetic.
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By Zoot
i'm watching it know. Was this revealed to be fake at the end? The acting is terrible (by the guides)
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By Aled
what a miserable bunch! The guides do just that day in day out - they are guides. We found then hilarious as they hammed it up. Does that make things fake! Are you all that far now from Chris' humour that what he sees as tv gold is your 'utter tripe?'
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By Splodge
From someone who hasn't listened to the Chris Moyles show since the whole New York 'gabby cabby' thing (2006?) I caught this tonight and quite liked it.

Yes, it did feel at times like you really had to be there but Rachel's faux scream at the end that got Yvette Fielding all excited at the prospect of some dramatic, last minute paranormal activity was my personal highlight.
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By Bruvva
Looking at the comments, I'm wondering what people were expecting - Blair Witch 3? If you've seen any Most Haunted or Ghosthunting with.. before then you know exactly what'll happen, people in the dark being scared by assorted bumps and bangs and Yvette in a big coat. We were never going to see any paranormal activity, the entertainment was seeing Rach, Aled and co being scared witless.

And as for moaning about ad breaks, it's ITV - what do you expect?
By Ballbag
Honestly Al, if it's trying to be serious it's absolute pants, you've got a guide there who's too scared to go into a certain room that he "guides" over, I'm sorry but if that's the case he should be sacked. "I'm sorry, I know your granny's having a heart attack in there, but I just aint going in".

Also, I've often wondered this about ouija boards. But if the point of it is that the little thingy moves about on it's own free will..... why does everyone need to be touching it. Oh....... hang on...... could it be that someone needs to move it? Na, that can't be true.

The thing is, I'm not the best when it comes to being in the dark, and if I'm in a dark stange room with a film crew chucking marbles at me I too would be a bit jumpy.... I wouldn't think there were ghosts though.
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By Bruvva
Ballbag, of course it's not meant to be serious. It's ITV2, by definition it's trashy, lowest common denominator television - you were never going to get a serious investigation into the paranormal.

Personally, I found it highly entertaining bunkum. I spent most of the time laughing at Rachel being a bit pathetic, the big wimp that she is.
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By Bruvva
Ewwww. Dude, that's my sister.
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By Yudster
A brilliant piece of take-the-piss-television. And of course there were no ghosts, there's no such thing as ghosts. Whoopsie!
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By Andy B
I thought it was a good laugh to be honest. If it's taken for what it's meant to be, a lighthearted attempt to scare the bejesus out of four people who scream like sissies at the drop of a hat! It's hardly an in-depth look at the world of the paranormal is it? *this space available for some crap gag about spirits/alcohol, probably involving either Rachel or Scott*.

I loved Yvette trying to bully the ghosts into existence and just watching everyone scream and run around like children. It's fun to be scared once in a while and that's all it was. So on that basis I thought it was a resounding success although quite why half of it had to be filmed in the back of a taxi was a little lost on me?
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By Boboff
I can't get ITV 2 so have no way of seeing it.

Aled, get off your high horse it is only Ball bag, and you crush his opinion, again as if it's the opinion of everyone on the site. Sake man.
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Yeah apart from all those adverts I thought it was well edited I wouldn't watch any of the other ones though.
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By Nicola_Red
It might have been better if it had been chopped down to an hour, with all the pointless preamble, voiceover and that annoying irish bloke in the taxi taken out. As it is, it was kinda dull. They could have at least faked something more exciting to pep it up a bit.
By GruntMitchell
Aled wrote:what a miserable bunch! The guides do just that day in day out - they are guides. We found then hilarious as they hammed it up. Does that make things fake! Are you all that far now from Chris' humour that what he sees as tv gold is your 'utter tripe?'

Hey Aled, don't get me wrong mate - I love the R1 team and the show...well when I could listen to it. My new iplod touch hasn't a radio so I can't listen to the show anymore aside from the weekly podcasts from Chris and Scott, but I just found the whole Most Haunted thing dull and would have loved to see the team doing something else that's all. Hell even some show with the team being interviewed would have made my day, because I don't think I've seen you all on TV at once.

Now given that I don't want TV anymore because everything seems to be 'reality' garbage nowadays, I was just hoping to watch something amusing. I have never found Most Haunted entertaining, and fail to even work out why it is as successful as it is. Yvette is great though, loved her interview on the show earlier this year.

The constant ad breaks every 12minutes didn't help either. The only shows I watch are Top Gear, Dr.Who and Torchwood. Glad the BBC hasn't got ads like that!
By Ballbag
He had a bit of a rant about this this morning didn't he.

I guess I can see his point, but I do think he exaggerates a little about the bitchyness of this site. I reckon that the proportion of posts that dis what they/he does is relatively small... hey there are even some of us that actually praise him and the show. But I guess he just looks at us with mud tinted spectacles.

I don't think we're that cliquey either what do you think comrades? (By comrades I mean everyone bar newbies, you have to earn our respect).
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By foot-loose
I think there could be a lot of "in-gags" which newer folk might not get.

I am probably involved. I should probably chop my own baws off for that.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]