Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By S4B
I hope Zoot appreciates all the hard work you've done in here while he's been off?
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By Zoot
*runs finger along the bar looking for dust*

Yea, not bad, I'll give you that...

Hows everyone been? Seems like Ageeeeessss....
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By Yudster
charlalottie wrote:Yes, I have large jugs you can use.

How have you managed to get away with this Charlalottie?!
By Ballbag
I searched my inner self, and decided against making a suggestive gag about a seventeen year old's boobs. I do hope you understand.
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By Boboff
Yes I thought the same baggie, one has to know where to draw the line doesn't one
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By Yudster
You Bakewell Tart you.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Bag for balls wrote:I searched my inner self, and decided against making a suggestive gag about a seventeen year old's boobs. I do hope you understand.

Are you ill?
By Ballbag

Doing a Topher v: - The art or act of grooming someone of the opposite sex and of a less than legal age in the hope of some action.
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By Yudster
Yeah, Topher was set up! He was framed!
By Ballbag
I know he was.............I was merely acting out of comedy value.

This is really what said.

Doing a Topher V: - Being framed by a naughty young person...... oh, and playing ping pong.

The same thing happened to a friend of mine, picked some girl up in a club..... took her home.... then saw her in the paper winning some under 14s net ball tournament........ then he was physically sick and didn't leave the house for ages.
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By Yudster
The way the law is these days I'd be surprised if he was allowed to leave the house for ages.
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By Zoot
All of the pubs around here are closed due to the water shortage, so I'm keeping this one open, just no gets to have ice in there drinks.
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By Yudster
Don't like ice in my drinks anyway. I'd like a large vodka and tonic please. Hold the tonic.
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By kendra k
i love a soda pop with loads of ice. keeps it extra cold! :D :D :D
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By MK Chris
Absinthe is a dreadful drink.
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By kendra k
i set myself on fire once when drinking absinthe. i also burnt a large hole in a sofa. then i some how ended up across town eating chinese food while my house was looking for me.
By Ballbag
Your house was looking for you? That's amazing......

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By Boboff
I would imagine she lost her Mate, her house mate, I would hope anyway, any one who checks the guinea pig first after an earthquake though should I suppose be taken on face value.
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By kendra k
haha. it was my student co-op of 150 other people. i was drinking with about 20 people and i somehow got lost.
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By catherine
On holiday a group of us got off in Gibraltar and asked for Absinthe but it was banned there because it courses hollusinations. We got some stuff that was 80% and we had a shot of it each and it killed your throat, then someone accidently spilt some on the table and it stripped the wood varish 8O.
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By MK Chris
I have had some 80% polish vodka (wodka) before, I did it for a bet. You wouldn't wanna do too many of them.
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By Boboff
Ah house, as in Fraternity type thing, never thought of it like that at all. We have houses in Schools, I was in Griffindor.
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