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By DemonHorse
I was actually pleasantly surprised by The Philosopher's Stone. I was expecting it to be a total disneyfied kiddy film, and while it had elements of that, it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be.
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By Vivienne
nicola_red wrote:Well, I don't mean to be cruel to you personally S4B, but I understand Harry Potter is for children, and I am a grown-up now. Therefore, I've never read any of the books or seen any of the films, and I don't plan to start. :)

Likewise :-)
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By foot-loose
Id say that HP can appeal to both the younger and older generation. The first couple of books were obviously more aimed at kids and are easy to read.

Some of the later stuff is a bit more in depth. Some of it I would think twice about reading to a kid.
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By timp
The adult version of the book is selling higher than the childs version according to the telegraph. They claim that this means more adults than children are actually going to read the book.
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By S4B
timp wrote:The adult version of the book is selling higher than the childs version according to the telegraph. They claim that this means more adults than children are actually going to read the book.

Nah it's cos even the kids prefer the adults cover cos the kids cover is rubbish!
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By timp
S4B wrote:
timp wrote:The adult version of the book is selling higher than the childs version according to the telegraph. They claim that this means more adults than children are actually going to read the book.

Nah it's cos even the kids prefer the adults cover cos the kids cover is rubbish!

They did take that into account s4b.
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By S4B
timp wrote:
timp wrote:My theory is that a central charachter is a horcrux, needed to kill Voldemort. (Possibly Hermione)

I think that if any of the characters are horcruxes it will be Harry. Remember Voldemort created the Horcruxes after he killed someone significiant and none of the others were anywhere near Voldemort when he killed. So I think it highly unlikely that any of the central characters are Horcruxes. I do however think that either the sorting hat or Gryffindor's sword is a horcrux. There's a bitin the last book where Dumbledore and Harry are exploring one of Dumbledores memories in the Headmasters office and Harry thinks Voldemort is going for his wand and then it seems he's not - I think that Voldemort did a memory charm on Dumbledore and installed a part of his soul in one of those objects.

I take it you've worked out who RAB is?
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By Yudster
timp wrote:The adult version of the book is selling higher than the childs version according to the telegraph. They claim that this means more adults than children are actually going to read the book.

Like I said, she has abandoned her original audience and is now writing for adults. In my opinion, a mistake, but I bet she's crying all the way to the bank about MY opinion.
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By Boboff
Well I like harry potter, I have been reading them from the beginning, after my Sales directot told me he was reading then to his kids, Yuds is right I suppose, in that the first 2 books were like 250 pages, now it's 600 plus, and I know as a child what I would find attractive..... however they might be written for adults, but children read them, and getting a child to read 600 pages plus means that the author is a genius and should be made a saint.

S4b, what is RAB ?

I tend to read the books in a day and miss out on the finer details.

She has made money, so what, the books are good entertainment, the imagination involved is tremendous, and it unfortunately is a classic series of fiction.

I got the last one delivered at 8a.m. and stayed up till 2 in the morning to finish it, I am not going to do that this time, like my love making, I want to relish it more this time !

S4B why don'y you give these people a prarcis (sp_) [summary] of the story so far ? It might get them interested? ( no space before ? I have been told it marks me out as Boboff !)
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By S4B
Yudster wrote:
timp wrote:The adult version of the book is selling higher than the childs version according to the telegraph. They claim that this means more adults than children are actually going to read the book.

Like I said, she has abandoned her original audience and is now writing for adults. In my opinion, a mistake, but I bet she's crying all the way to the bank about MY opinion.

I actually think what she's done is try toget her characters to grow up with her audience which has caused a natural change in her writing. I agree the last couple of books aren't quite as childlike as the originals however I still really enjoy them and I'm desperate to know how it's going to end.

The reason the adult version is outselling the childrens is simple if you take the fact she started writing these books about 10 years ago for 10 year olds who are now heading to 20 her original fans have now outgrown the idea that they themselves are children. Also this happened last ime and about 50% of the people who last time had reserved a adult cover actually picked up a kids copy so we'll wait and see what happens after the initial rush.

What everyone seems to overlook is that - thanks to JK love her or hate her - she has caused the amazing upsurge in kids' reading over the last decade and has encouraged an incredible amount of other children's authors to write great kids' literature which, in my opinion, can be nothing but a good thing.

I know it's my job to sell books but NOTHING in my store gives me more pleasure than seeing the kids come in and sit reading or gasping in awe over the different books they want to read. It restores my belief that kids don't just want to be entertained by electronic devices and that they still do have an imagination.
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By Yudster
I know, and you're absolutely right - but I want a happy ending! I want it! I really really want it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also 100% on the children reading thing - I can't wait until Baby Yudster is reading properly.
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By timp
S4B wrote:
timp wrote:
timp wrote:My theory is that a central charachter is a horcrux, needed to kill Voldemort. (Possibly Hermione)

I think that if any of the characters are horcruxes it will be Harry. Remember Voldemort created the Horcruxes after he killed someone significiant and none of the others were anywhere near Voldemort when he killed. So I think it highly unlikely that any of the central characters are Horcruxes. I do however think that either the sorting hat or Gryffindor's sword is a horcrux. There's a bitin the last book where Dumbledore and Harry are exploring one of Dumbledores memories in the Headmasters office and Harry thinks Voldemort is going for his wand and then it seems he's not - I think that Voldemort did a memory charm on Dumbledore and installed a part of his soul in one of those objects.

I take it you've worked out who RAB is?

No I havn't but good theory!
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By S4B
Thank God for that and can I just correct my mistake in my earlier post, Sirius' brother is Regulus Algerfnon Black not Reginald! Sorry my brain was somewhere else.
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By Longview01
I dont get these people that que up at 12 at night to buy a book.

Its not like harry potter is even that interesting
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By foot-loose
I read this in the paper earlier - it struck me as a ploy by waterstones. I may be being cynical, but I would be interested to know how much money Waterstones have made from the sales of the Harry Potter books. The end of the series must spell a dip in yearly sales?
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