Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By S4B
I'm sure no one will repsond to this post but I'm going to post it anyway. I'm sat here waitng for one of my oldest friends to die. She was full of life a few weeks ago and now she's at death's door, literally. If she lasts the night it will be a miracle.
This has made me think of all the things and people I'd miss - admittedly I have had copious amounts of alcohol now - if I lost them. I know most of you haven't got the time of day for me because I'm usually too cheerful or "annoying" (thanks Topher) but tonight i just want to say that although I haven't known most of you v long. I'd miss most of you.
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How can you type so well with all that alcohol you have consumed?
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By S4B
I'm guessing that I'll not get drunk no matter how hard I try, not tonight..........
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I said the same thing to my fridge tonight, when its empty its just downright empty.
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By S4B
nah, loads of booze just my body won't let me get drunk
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No no thats yer brain, ignore the bugger.
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By Yudster
I had a very similar experience a few years ago, when my best friend died - we knew she wasn't going to make it on the Friday night, she died on the Sunday morning. Don't drink too much S4B, one day you'll look back at this and you'll want to be thinking about your friend, not the horrible hangover you had. But good luck, its a sh1t time.
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By MK Chris
Slut4books, although I find you annoying sometimes, of course I feel for your friend.
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By Vivienne
slut4books wrote:I'm sure no one will repsond to this post but I'm going to post it anyway. I'm sat here waitng for one of my oldest friends to die. She was full of life a few weeks ago and now she's at death's door, literally. If she lasts the night it will be a miracle.
This has made me think of all the things and people I'd miss - admittedly I have had copious amounts of alcohol now - if I lost them. I know most of you haven't got the time of day for me because I'm usually too cheerful or "annoying" (thanks Topher) but tonight i just want to say that although I haven't known most of you v long. I'd miss most of you.

I'd miss you! You're a star!! Re. your friend: when it's your time to go, it's your time to go... she'll be going on to a better place, imo, if that helps!!
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By foot-loose
slut4books wrote:I'm sure no one will repsond to this post but I'm going to post it anyway. I'm sat here waitng for one of my oldest friends to die. She was full of life a few weeks ago and now she's at death's door, literally.

I am sorry to hear that. I suppose you might be able to take something from the fact that its not been too long and drawn out?

As Yudster says - while I would prob do exactly the same as you and get pissed - its not the best way forward.
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By Boboff
S4B I think you are funny, not at all annoying.... Honest.

I not sure I could cope with this sort of thing, I have been lucky enough only really to loose grandparents.

I friend at work commited suicide about twelve years ago over some 17 year old boy he had a crush on, and a chap that used to drink in the Pub I ran was knocked over and killed by an 80 year old tosser in a BMW when he was strimming the verges, in both cases I really felt extreme anger at how this could happen, I think the biggest lesson was dealing with those in grief, you have to be strong and not shirk your embarrasment of talking to them, it's the family that count most and you have to be happy and say lots of nice things to enable them to be rightfully sad in their grief.

Hope it not to shitty S4b, you have my thoughts
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By Nicola_Red
My thoughts (and prayers if you believe in that sort of thing) are with you and your friend S4B. Watching my Nana slip away was a painful experience, and she was 85 so had had the proverbial "good innings". As Viv said, hopefully your friend is going to a better place. That comforts me when I lose people.
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By Zoot
Your a welcome addition to the boards S4B, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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By timp
Just discovered this thread. Really sorry S4B to hear this news and yeah i agree with everyone. This board wouldnt be the same without you.
By pinkysibbs
Ah im sorry to hear about your friend S4B my thoughts are with you as you cope with this.You are a great member on here and always so nice to me,thank you!!
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By S4B
Thanks guys, wasn't looking for a general seal of approval but thanks. My friend passed at 8.15 this morning. I'm ok if a little numb. didn't even have a hangover this morning, such a waste of good wine but my mate would've appreciated it. xxxxx
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By Walter Sobchak
Sorry to hear that S4B, its good that you raised a glass for her.

When a mate of mine died many years ago, I went to the park where we used to generally have a laugh, I guess I wanted to say goodbye to him in my own way.
When I got there 2 mates were already there, for the same reason, so we went and got some beers and just returned to sit on the grass talking about the 'old times'.
His girlfriend turned up too.

I mention this because some people don't know what to do, and that helped such a lot.
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By catherine
I know its difficult S4B's, my best friend killed herself a year or so ago and it was very hard because at the time i was 15 and doing my GCSE's, you just need to take each day as it comes untill it hurts less. Hope you are ok xxxx.
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By kendra k
i'm sorry slut4books, my thoughts are with you.
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By S4B
Thanks Kendra, I'm a bit numb at the min and given up trying to get drunk it's just not working! Guess it'll hit me at the funeral.
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By Vivienne
thinking about ya this morning.
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By S4B
thanks x
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By Vivienne
you're welcome :-) xxx
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By aquadite
slut4books just seen this... my thoughts are with you
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By S4B
Thanks babe xx