Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By pjordan2000
Twas out at a club in Basildon on Saturday night and they had advertised that Funhouse would be coming to the club on Friday 22nd June with Pat Sharp and the twins!

According to the poster they'll be doing a mini version of the show! I just wonder how they'll manage to do the karting part at the end???

Seeing as this club is a nationwide one, just wondered has anyone else seen it at their local?
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By foot-loose
Can you tell us the name of this mystical club?
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By pjordan2000
Hmmm....promise not to laugh?

It is Jumpin Jaks (not the classiest of places i must admit)
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By foot-loose

its an expensive place, but i had a good time when I was there. From memory - it turned into carnage.
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By pjordan2000
Yeah not the cheapest of places. Bought a drink for me and my gf and it came to £7 just for a pint of Becks and a VK thing!

They get a few decent acts there tho! They had the ever wonderful Bewitched there last year and also Nikki from Big Bro at one time too! All the huge celebs!
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By foot-loose
Mmm, when I was there, there was about ten "elvises" prancing about on the stage.

I was rubbered though, so it all seemed normal.

One of the girls sold my mates watch to a random outside from memory. He got it back, but he wasn't best chuffed.
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By pjordan2000
Ha ha, quality! The worst i've seen is see someone throw up on the wooden floor, the staff then come and clean it up a little, then bout 5 mins later some block dance on the same spot, trying to impress a girl by doing the moonwalk. Needless to say, he looked embarrassed when we told him that he was in fact dacing in someone elses sick. The girl weren't impressed either
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By foot-loose
I also exposed one of the girls breasts to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow that night, this was after she ripped my top open - I warned her that if she did it again, I would do it to her.

Afterwards, she proceeded to punch me in the testicles.

Cracking night tho.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Jumping Jaks (Jacks?.. I dunno) in Wigan has a bizarre mix of very young kids somedays and then what seems like over 40s nights. Its very confusing.
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By DemonHorse
if it's the same chain that's in Nottingham it's Jaks... it's also sh1te and expensive as others have said.
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By pjordan2000
Cracking being the painful word! :-S

Another night whilst queuing for a taxi (been waitin for an hour) needing to go toilet go round back of train station and me and my mate laughed that a police car was on one of those breakdown truck things! Being drunk and all it didn't click that police may be around until we heard them shout at us and start running over as i was mid flow!

Funny night tho!!
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Its not at all expensive in wigan. Its cheap with sticky floors.
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By pjordan2000
sounds like the same place gaspode. Its cheap before half 10 or summin like that and has really sticky floors!
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By foot-loose
We were talking about funhouse the other night.

It was piss as well - but good piss!
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By Vivienne
** funhouse closed ** :-)
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By pjordan2000
The vengaboys were down there once but i made sure i weren't there that nite!
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By DemonHorse
Viv I doubt they're gonna make you a Mod anytime soon... <cue the usual Mod and Rocker gags>
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By Vivienne
I doubt it as well somehow!! I'm prob. on track to being banned ! :-)
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By Zoot
Viv wrote:** funhouse closed ** :-)

If you had your way, it seems all the threads would be closed today.
Except maybe yours...
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By Vivienne
nah, I'll just close mine as well !!!
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By DemonHorse
Viv wrote:I doubt it as well somehow!! I'm prob. on track to being banned ! :-)

Nah coz this isn't UM.
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By Vivienne
did you know I made the um "hall of fame"