Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Boboff
And apparently the bigger the penis the more sexual pleasure a lady gets !
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By foot-loose
not according to some of the norty videos I've seen...

Like tree trunks they were, I tell thee!
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By Yudster
So the moral of the story is, if you want to sound like Jo Whiley, shag the thoroughbred not the Welsh Mountain pony. Or alternatively, don't.
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By Boboff
The moral of the story is not to shout about there being a wolf when there isn't because when there is one, you'll get your face chewed off.... of
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By Yudster
As will you, if you keep on doing that!
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By Boboff
You can chew my Face Off of, and time yummy Yuddy
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By Zoot
This thread has lots of funny...

Boboff of, why is it Christmas again? (Sorry Yuddy, couldn't resist!)...
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By Yudster
Its Boboff's true identity! Santa's back!
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By Boboff
he is, santa at christmas isn't very ironic so we changed to nice man, then when Moyles did Star Wars we had Hairy, but at heart I am Santa in July !