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By Vivienne
Anyone else hear "Celeb. Growler" by The Mills this morning ???

Nice to hear The Mills' voice first thing, but PLEASE do try not to do anything with the "Tarzan" feature, eh! Good grief !! And it helps too not to give out the answer before people can guess it. :lol: :lol:
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By DemonHorse
was this part of inuendo bingo? I would guess at Lindsey Lohan.
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By Vivienne
No! Innuendo Bingo is a separate issue... take it you're not a regular listener to The Mills then obviously (ha ha). A celeb. was basically growling a bit, and you had to guess who the celeb was... this morning's was Avril Lavigne.
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By timp
That feature annoyed me why cant they just do celebrity tarzan like moyles wanted them too. Infact the whole show annoyed me, far too scripted. Also Mills gives away who the growler is before anyones guessed it. Oh dear.
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By Loudmouthed_Cutie
i thought it was obvious this morning but scots voice is sooo annoying that early god id kill myself if i woke up next to him
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By Mafro
I'm sure that would never happen, for numerous reasons.
By E*F*4L
i didn't think that it was that good, celebrity tarzan it better
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By DemonHorse
Viv wrote:No! Innuendo Bingo is a separate issue... take it you're not a regular listener to The Mills then obviously (ha ha). A celeb. was basically growling a bit, and you had to guess who the celeb was... this morning's was Avril Lavigne.

*watches the crap gag fly straight over Viv's head*
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By Yudster
Its awful.
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By Vivienne
DemonHorse wrote:
Viv wrote:No! Innuendo Bingo is a separate issue... take it you're not a regular listener to The Mills then obviously (ha ha). A celeb. was basically growling a bit, and you had to guess who the celeb was... this morning's was Avril Lavigne.

*watches the crap gag fly straight over Viv's head*

Grrrrrr. :oops:
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By timp
Yudster wrote:Its awful.

Especially that jingle made in 2 seconds.
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By timp
Excuse the double post but can I express my delight at that feature finally being binned. :D
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By Yudster
Yes, yes you may.
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By Boboff
It was not David hasselhoff it was Beonce !

I like the idea though celebrity growler, like someone who growls, but also a reference to a lady bush ! amazingly funny
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By Yudster
I love you Boboff you furry thing you, you know this - but I have to say, on the subject of the Scott Mills show, you are incomprehensible in your admiration! But as its you, I'll let it go.....!
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By Vivienne
Thank you, God, Moyles is back on Monday, so that this dire "celeb. growler" feature may go...... into the nearest bin.
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By DemonHorse
and hopefully Celebrity Tarzan will shortly follow.... please?
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By Boboff
What about an alternative then, how about celebrity Gargle, Celebrity Fart, Celebrity stomach rumble, Celbrity burp, Celebrity orgasm, Celebrity Slurp, Celebrity I am Bovvered though, Celebrity Bom chakka Whawha ( off of the Links ad ) etc
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By MK Chris
I quite like Celebrity Tarzan now though - not so much for the feature itself, mainly for the banter with the caller - though you would get that with any phone-in feature, I still think it's not as bad as people make out.
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By DemonHorse
boboff wrote:Celebrity orgasm

they'd play the clip of Jo Whiley on the Big One for the first one me thinks...
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By Yudster
And they tried to tell you size doesn't matter.
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By Boboff
It does if your buying clothes for yourself, or looking for a spanner
By Ballbag
Or driving between fence posts in your new car, or trying to compile a dictionary.
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By foot-loose
and with potatoes - sometimes you need big ones, other times you need wee ones.
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By Yudster
Or if you are deciding whether your three year old should ride the 16 hand thoroughbred, or the Welsh Mountain pony. Especially when he wants to ride the thoroughbred.