Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Ballbag
Chumba wumba.

A guy at our work (28 or so) wears blue shirts every day, and always has done. When questioned about this he revealed that it was infact the same shirt, and that he'd owned it for about 8 months now.

He also only has one pair of trousers.

He wears the same shirt, every day for 5 days a week, without washing it, and he said that the trousers can last him 2 maybe 3 weeks sometimes without washing. His excuse is that he refuses to spend money on clothes just to work in.

Needless to say he has a major odour problem, a kind of cross between BO, sweat and pish. He often is seen in the toilets having a "shower in a can", but this only goes to postpone the odour. It has been brought to his attention by his boss, alas nothing has come of it.

Oh, and he's single ladies if any of you are interested.
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By Vivienne
Not surprised he's single. Wot a catch.
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By Yudster
boboff wrote:
Why have you taken a dislike to Viv Yud Yud ? You are normally so tollerant ?

I haven't, like I said, I'm sure she's lovely! It was just the "choons" which got to me.....!
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By Vivienne
I am lovely. ha ha. I've taken the choons and smiling faces away.
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By DemonHorse
Viv wrote: I come back stronger than a powered-up pac-man.

It don't matter to me coz all I wanted to be was a million miles from here, somewhere with plenty of beer....
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By MK Chris
I will have to change my jeans today as I went to Whipsnade Zoo and it was muddier than I expected (not having been there since I was a kid and expecting proper paths to walk on.)
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By Mermaid
and anyway - jeans have their own deoderant
the more you wear them, the more you love them!
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By Boboff
But she is American ?
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By DemonHorse
boboff wrote:But she is American ?

There's the difference-maker. Joss is trying to be something she ain't etc etc etc and so on.
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By kendra k
and i am very up front with my affectations.