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do you hate bag for balls

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Bag for balls wrote:Dawn doesn't mind.

JK & Joel have finished with her then?
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By hannahisgreat
I love the fact that people do this by an idiotic poll. Where was the option of 'Ratmanandsomeinsignificantnumbertomebutmaybeasignificantnumbertohim' and me? I love people hating me. I just get to take the pee out of them for hating people over the internet. How sad.
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By kendra k
i think hate=findsextremelyannoyingbecausetheypostlikeamoronandtrytoactcynicalandcoolwhenreallytheywanttofeellovedbutnobodylikesthembecausethey'remyopicanddull.

hannah, why would people hate you? this is about baggie. he at least post something, other than things about himself.
By Ballbag
Yikes you two.... can you put a "space bar friendly" version of your long words in brackets in the future, my eyes sting after reading that.
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By hannahisgreat
ooo. woman with baby, you got out of the wrong side of bed. OK then. What happens if I want to put an opinion? (not the fact that I didn't say MY opinion)
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By kendra k
sorry bfb, ithinkspacebarsarewasteful.

oooooo. look at you woman. i was countering your opinion with another opinion. funny thing about opinions, every body has one.

how many people think the baby is mine?
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By hannahisgreat

can you please tell me what that is? Its really bugging me.
I can fish out they're, my, and, and dull. But what the hell us an opican? Apparently it's some kind of spider or something. According to Mr Google anyway.
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By kendra k
they're myopic and dull.

myopic:[quote="from a dictionary]
1. Ophthalmology. pertaining to or having myopia; nearsighted.
2. unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted.
3. lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded.[/quote]
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By kendra k
bugger! i ballsed it up again.
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By kendra k
i know! i'm such a n00b.
By neo101
the cheeez isn't back
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By hannahisgreat
why do you have to keep coming back cheez? do you keep getting a virus or something? or blocked? or is it a recurring foot odour problem?

no sarcasm meant. I truly want to know.
By Ballbag
Kendra K, is that baby yours? It looks like a young Paul Scholes.
By pinkysibbs
is it not Gordon Browns baby?
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By Betti911
Think so.
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By Longview01
why does this thread keep coming back?
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By Longview01
Fowler wrote:This is the worst thread ever.

Am I that predictable now?
By Ballbag
Hahahaha Longvoo and Flower, you two are great......... I'm not sure why it keeps coming back..... although my spidey-senses tell me that it's something to do with people writing on it..... I may be wrong though.
By Ballbag
Hahaha you've developed a pedantic streak, well done my padawan friend, you're learning fast.

(I did put the "I may be wrong" disclaimer at the end of my post, so technically it was all above board)
By Ballbag
It is a Star Wars reference........ that's all I shall say at this juncture.
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By kendra k
pinkysibbs wrote:is it not Gordon Browns baby?

it is indeed! fraser brown! poor kid.

this thread keeps coming back because it's well cool.
By Ballbag
The voting's getting a bit tight, I'm nearly neutrally liked and hated.

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By Boboff
You are not really endearing yourself in Cyber Society Baggie, been a while since and hilarity as well, I suspect your burnt out, and letting petty differences get in the way of your creativity and all rouond sexiness
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By Geonosian
This is a bolloc*s thread. However, it has managed to get one of the highest replies on here at 7 pages. Jeez!

Lets consign it to the bog where it belongs.

Happy Xmas you crazy kids, I am off now for a couple of weeks because i cant be bothered to see the week out, all my clients have F-ed off anyway they are all financial advisers so i aint staying here, off home to tear open a bottle of cognac and get the 360 on the go.

Laters old chums and Happy New Year.
By Ballbag
Booboff I do believe you're right, I seem to be rubbing some people up the wrong way, although I may argue that some are too sensitive to certain things, and indeed the sexiness remains, but alas the hilarity wanes as these winter months set in. I think it's because I'm poorly, last night I was putting up all of my Christmas decorations, and this morning I've woken up with a sore throat......... I think I've got tinselitis!

(oh and can the reader please note that I didn't start this tedious thread)
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