Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Lucie
This forum is so full of cr*p I thought I'd add some intellectual worth:

What do cows eat for breakfast?


Feel free to add your own and stuff
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By kendra k
when is meat so high?

when the cow jumps over the moon.

why did the cow cross the road?

it was the chicken's day off.

what do you call a cow in space?

a cowsmonaut!
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By Rychu
Not sure if this isn't too ofencive but there you go:

What's the difference between white cow and black cow?

White cow says mooooooo

Black cow says mooooooo man mooooo!!!
By Ballbag
(Vaguely cow related)

I guy walks into the butchers and says to the butcher "I bet you £10 that you can't reach those two cuts of meat on that top shelf". The butcher looks at the meat and says."No, I'll not take that bet........... the steaks are too high".

budum schhhhh !!!!
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By Quincy

"doctor! doctor! i feel like a cow!!"

"stop eating so much grass then!!!!!!!!111111111one"

i made that one up myself
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By Lucie
What do cows like to do in their spare time?

Answer 1: Listen to Moosic

Answer 2: Watch Moovies
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By Quincy

mooving large objects

mooting the tv

moowing the lawn

watching things in slow mootion

riding moopeds
By Ballbag
They do udder stuff too Quincy. (get it........udder........... other........ cow......... udder).
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By hannahisgreat
Why are cows are always high?

Because they eat too much grass.

I made that one up on the spot which is why it's not funny. Yes thank you, thank you.
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By Lucie
I think it's quite funny.

What does the mummy cow give the baby cow when he's ill?

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By Yudster
Now that IS funny.
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By hannahisgreat
Haha. Amsuing. Cowpol. I've totally drank calpol before. I loooove it. Which is why I am probably like I am. You?
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By Yudster
I tend to feed it to my babby rather than drink it myself, but each to his own!
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By MarkChambz
Moooooo-ving swiftly on...

...I'll grab me coat.
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By Lucie
oh yeah I used to pretend to be ill so my mum would give me calpol, I think I became immune to it probably!

Wasn't it horrible when you turned 7 and you had to different stuff though? Worst day of my life that :(
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Lucie wrote:oh yeah I used to pretend to be ill so my mum would give me calpol, I think I became immooe to it probably!

Wasn't it horrible when you turned 7 and you had to different stuff though? Worst day of my life that :(

Thats the thing about them bloody cows, they've far too much time on their err feet, all they do is make small moo and gossip, least they never mooan though.
By seanyc123
What do you call a man that sleeps with underaged cows? A cow moolester! HAHAHA!

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