The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
A documentary all about Wayne Rooney entitled 'Wayne's World' was shown after the football on Sky last night. As Dave is Wayne Rooney's number 1 fan, Chris thought it was strange how Dave had not been asked to do an interview for the show. Dave said he had been asked, and in fact he'd done quite a lengthy interview with the people from Sky, but for some reason it had all been left on the cutting room floor. Dave said he's not really bitter about it because he still got paid.
Big Blubber 3 - The Final Push: Chris hasn't been training at all this week because of his potentially life threatening case of the common cold. Chris said that from now on he's going to be upping the ante on the training front. He asked the gym if it was ok for them to start going more often. They said it would be ok, but they'd need to pay £49 per month.
Chris couldn't be doing with this extortion, so he's keeping a look out for cheap jogging machines and exercise bikes, and he's going to turn his flat into a mini-gym. Aled is normally useless at football, but put in an impressive performance in the park on Tuesday and notched up several goals, even if they were against Comedy Goalkeeper Dave. Aled's gym performance however, was abysmal. He only managed 4 minutes on the exercise bike, which in Scott's words, was 'frankly unacceptable'.
Dave turned up late on Tuesday using the excuse 'I slept in late'. However, during the gym session he worked very
hard and put in a good performance on the exercise bike. The reason behind this was probably something to do with the fact that the gym was showing the football highlights at the same time.
Will was this week's star pupil. He made 100% attendance with rigorous training throughout. This meant that Will was this week's Licky-Licky winner.
Today’s Guest was David Dickinson. His book is currently in the top 5 best sellers. They chatted about David’s ‘This is Your Life’ show and how bizarre it was. David thanked the team for coming to it, he said he really appreciated it. Chris asked him about the live shows, does the auctioneer not tell him to shut up when his talking in the middle of the auction. David says they are tempted, but loves doing the live stuff.
As it is now customonry to do, David was the Celebrity in a bout of Celebrity Viaduct. They successfully answered all the questions right. Chris still hates the Wayne Wonder record as do I as it goes nowhere. Chris was sweating in the basement as the air conditioning ballsed up again.
Chris had a Guess Who which was Dougie Payne, guitarist from the band Travis. Chris played Aled clips all over Gay Bar by Electric Six. Chris played Daves Introductory Service against Aled and Will. Will scored Nils points.

BB Aled
Dave was miffed that Aled never said Hi Dave at the start of the update. 21 Days in and still dull. The housemates cant handle his drink. Federico said he would be happy for the girl to pay on the first date. Fed is having a habit of winding people on purpose. The lamest Truth or Dare ever. Tania refused a kiss on the lips from Scott, Steph nibbled Camerons ear. Cameron said he couldnt believe they were all talking and their mothers and fathers can hear them. He went into the Diary Room for over an hour to get away from her. Nush never smiles and looks gormless. Nush has said she finds it hard to nominate people and give good reasons. Nush is trying to distance herself from the girls. The girls chatted about the mens penises saying that Federicos is tiny and that Ray was hung like a donkey. Radio 1 vote was to go :
Jon - 14%
Sissy - 43%
Federico - 43%
To vote Sissy out telephone 09011 214410

Daves Tedious Link
Aerosmith Dude Looks Like A Lady - Dude Looks Like A Lady is what you might say if you inadvertedly found yourself in a club frequented by transvestites - The word transvestite shares the same word beginning as the word Trans-penine which is a term referring to train services between Lancashire and Yorkshire - Yorkshire Pudding is made with Roast Beef - Beef or more more precisely Minced Beef is a primary ingredient of Cottage Pie - The process of Cottage Pie has nothing to do with Cottaging which is an entirely different process altogether - Altogether Now was a hit for the Farm in 1990, the same year that Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul was released - Paula Abdul clearly thinks that Simon Cowell is an arse, something she shares with the rest of the world - World Party were a group that featured Guy Chambers who is now more famous for being the co writer to Robbie Williams - Robbie Williams was in Take That - Take That are one of the few groups in the world whose name is made up of just two words, another one of course is Young Disciples - Which links us to Apparently Nothing by Young Disciples.