The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Chris went out and had drinks for Mark Goodier's send-off last night with other Radio 1 DJs, but Will was miffed because he was the only member of the team that wasn't invited.
Chris commented about how crap the Elvis impersonations were on Children In Need on Friday,
especially Eamon Holmes. He also commented on what a muck-up David Dickinson messed up his link on the show because
he wasn't used to the autocue. Chris has got a big guest for tomorrow's show, David Blaine. Paul Turner (the American guy) wasn't available to do the trailers, so Will voiced
them! Dave's telly recommendations, Live with Chris
Moyles, and Jon Culshaw's Dead Ringers. Jon has come into the studio. The team are teasing Jon about what to talk about, but agreed not to talk about Dead Ringers 9pm tonight on BBC 2, so as not to shamelessly plug the show. On Sport Talk with Will Kinder: Does Dennis Wise have the temperament and backing of fans to take over as manager of Leicester?!! and a caller called Terry rang up and they did the old gag of him having the radio on in the background.

Nigel from Fame Acadamy was todays guest:

- Chris commented his shirt looked like a pair of caravan curtains
- Nigel would like to see David win
- He doesn't think Sinaid, Lemar or Ainsley need to win as they are all going to be huge stars anyway
- He has 2 tattoos and his favourite possession is his Superman ring
- Nigels wife campained to keep him in the house, Chris reckoned there were two ways of looking at that
- If he could do anything differently Nigel would have gone in when he was 24 instead of 31
- He reckoned Carrie was only nasty to him because she fancied him and knew she couldn't have him
- In the future he'd like to front a rock band
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]